Research on Seismic Performance of Reactive Powder Concrete Square Columns Confined With FRP Tubes
摘要: 为了探究纤维增强聚合物(fiber reinforced polymers,FRP)管约束活性粉末混凝土(reactive powder concrete,RPC)方柱在低周反复荷载作用下的抗震性能,利用有限元软件ABAQUS对FRP管约束RPC方柱进行了数值模拟,并对不同轴压比、配箍率和FRP管厚度条件下约束柱的抗震性能进行了分析。结果表明:采用有限元模型对FRP管约束RPC方柱进行模拟是可靠的,有限元模拟结果和试验结果吻合较好;轴压比为0.2~0.6时,峰值荷载随轴压比的增大而增大,轴压比为0.7时的峰值荷载较0.6时反而下降;配箍率、FRP管厚度的增加可以改善约束柱的抗震性能,延缓强度和刚度的退化;FRP管厚度为0.501mm时的约束效果最好。Abstract: To explore the seismic performance of reactive powder concrete square columns confined with fiber reinforced polymers tubes under low cyclic loading, the study analyzed RPC square columns confined with FRP tubes by finite element software ABAQUS and investigated the influences of axial compression ratio, stirrup ratio and FRP tubes thickness. The results are as follows:the finite element method is reliable, and the finite element simulation results are consistent with the experimental results; when the axial compression ratio is between 0.2 and 0.6, the peak loads increase with the axial compression ratio; when the axial compression ratio is 0.7, the peak load shows a downward trend; with the increase of stirrup ratio and FRP tubes thickness, the seismic performance of confined columns is improved, and the stiffness and capacity decrease slowly; the confinement works best when the thickness of FRP tubes is 0.501mm (number of layers is 3).
表 1 试件编号和约束方案
Table 1. Serial number and confining schemes of specimens
试件编号 剪跨比 纤维布粘贴方式 CFRP管层数 试验轴压比 箍筋 纵筋 A1 2 未约束 0 0.2 10@8010 16A2 2 全包500mm 2 0.2 10@8010 16B1 4 未约束 0 0.2 10@8010 16B2 4 全包1000mm 2 0.2 10@8010 16表 2 碳纤维布参数
Table 2. The parameters of carbon fiber sheets
抗拉强度/MPa 弹性模量/GPa 伸长率/% 层间剪切强度/MPa 理论厚度/mm 单位面积质量/g/m2 3400 230 1.67 46 0.167 295 表 3 RPC损伤模型参数
Table 3. Damage model parameters of RPC
膨胀角/(°) 偏心率 双轴受压极限强度
/单轴受压极限强度不变应力比 黏性系数 38 0.1 1.14 0.6667 0.005 表 4 钢筋材料参数
Table 4. Material parameters of reinforcement
种类 用途 屈服强度/MPa 极限强度/MPa 10箍筋 472 638 16纵筋 436 599 表 5 试验值与模拟值对比
Table 5. Values comparison between test and numerical calculation
试件编号 屈服荷载 峰值荷载 屈服位移 极限位移 试验值/kN 模拟值/kN 试验值/kN 模拟值/kN 试验值/kN 模拟值/kN 试验值/kN 模拟值/kN A1 458.12 476.05 549.11 566.67 5.29 5.26 18.12 17.35 A2 464.32 482.45 567.61 578.75 5.64 5.89 22.05 21.36 B1 162.32 179.51 218.32 224.95 7.56 8.12 33.26 34.45 B2 171.62 185.69 214.65 225.68 7.86 8.43 37.43 38.26 表 6 试件设计参数及有限元模拟结果
Table 6. Design parameters and finite element analysis results of specimens
试件编号 碳纤维布层数 FRP管厚度
/mm位移延性系数μ A2.20-0.20-2 2 0.334 2.20 0.20 578.75 5.89 22.05 3.74 A2.20-0.20-3 3 0.501 2.20 0.20 584.10 5.96 23.56 3.95 A2.20-0.20-4 4 0.668 2.20 0.20 588.70 5.91 23.89 4.04 A2.20-0.30-2 2 0.334 2.20 0.30 645.26 6.42 21.81 3.40 A2.20-0.40-2 2 0.334 2.20 0.40 690.03 6.57 19.69 3.00 A2.20-0.50-2 2 0.334 2.20 0.50 724.64 6.86 18.02 2.63 A2.20-0.60-2 2 0.334 2.20 0.60 749.77 6.92 17.53 2.53 A2.20-0.70-2 2 0.334 2.20 0.70 747.37 6.94 17.24 2.48 A1.47-0.20-2 2 0.334 1.47 0.20 573.66 5.91 21.81 3.69 A3.52-0.20-2 2 0.334 3.52 0.20 584.34 5.96 23.75 3.98 B2.20-0.20-2 2 0.334 2.20 0.20 225.68 8.43 38.26 4.54 B2.20-0.20-3 3 0.501 2.20 0.20 230.91 8.76 41.36 4.72 B2.20-0.20-4 4 0.668 2.20 0.20 233.83 8.68 41.85 4.82 B2.20-0.30-2 2 0.334 2.20 0.30 268.39 8.95 38.10 4.26 B2.20-0.40-2 2 0.334 2.20 0.40 308.02 9.12 37.45 4.11 B2.20-0.50-2 2 0.334 2.20 0.50 340.29 9.34 37.21 3.98 B2.20-0.60-2 2 0.334 2.20 0.60 386.46 9.42 36.88 3.92 B2.20-0.70-2 2 0.334 2.20 0.70 381.68 9.51 36.54 3.84 B1.47-0.20-2 2 0.334 1.47 0.20 228.87 8.46 38.94 4.60 B3.52-0.20-2 2 0.334 3.52 0.20 229.12 8.61 39.77 4.62 注:编号A开头代表以短柱试件A2为基础设计的试件,B开头代表以中长柱试件B2为基础设计的试件;试件A2.20-0.20-2中,2.20代表配箍率为2.20%,0.20代表轴压比为0.20,2代表FRP管的厚度为2层 -
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