• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


姚鑫鑫 任叶飞 温瑞智 戴嘉伟

姚鑫鑫, 任叶飞, 温瑞智, 戴嘉伟. 强震动记录H/V谱比法计算处理的若干关键环节[J]. 震灾防御技术, 2019, 14(4): 719-730. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20190403
引用本文: 姚鑫鑫, 任叶飞, 温瑞智, 戴嘉伟. 强震动记录H/V谱比法计算处理的若干关键环节[J]. 震灾防御技术, 2019, 14(4): 719-730. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20190403
Yao Xinxin, Ren Yefei, Wen Ruizhi, Dai Jiawei. Some Technical Notes on the Data Processing of the Spectral Ratio Based on the Strong-motion Records[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2019, 14(4): 719-730. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20190403
Citation: Yao Xinxin, Ren Yefei, Wen Ruizhi, Dai Jiawei. Some Technical Notes on the Data Processing of the Spectral Ratio Based on the Strong-motion Records[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2019, 14(4): 719-730. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20190403


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20190403

国家重点研发计划项目 2017YFC1500802

国家自然科学基金 51878632

国家自然科学基金 51808514

黑龙江省自然科学基金优秀青年项目 YQ2019E036


    姚鑫鑫, 女, 生于1994年。博士研究生。主要从事工程地震相关研究。E-mail:yaoxinxiniem@126.com


    任叶飞, 男, 生于1983年。研究员。从事工程地震相关研究, E-mail:renyefei@iem.net.cn

Some Technical Notes on the Data Processing of the Spectral Ratio Based on the Strong-motion Records

  • 摘要: 强震动记录H/V谱比法自提出以来,已广泛应用于地震工程各研究领域中。但对数据处理的2个关键环节——Taper预处理及傅氏谱平滑未有详细研究。因此,本文针对强震动记录H/V谱比法计算涉及的重要数据处理过程,对四川地区19个强震动台站在汶川地震余震中获取的642组强震动记录开展研究。研究实例表明:S波H/V谱比振幅在周期 < 1s时高于全时程,论证计算H/V谱比时截取S波窗口的必要性;S波窗口的截断会引起傅里叶振幅谱的边瓣效应,若不加以处理,将显著影响低频部分H/V谱比结果,Taper预处理对于消除这种截断误差具有良好效果;在兼顾平滑效果及卓越周期识别准确度的基础上,通过不同带宽的Parzen窗试算,认为0.5Hz带宽宜用于傅里叶H/V谱比曲线平滑。
  • 图  1  台站及震中分布

    Figure  1.  Location of strong motion and earthquake sequences

    图  2  震级-震中距和震级-PGA分布

    Figure  2.  Distribution of magnitude and epicentral distance and peak ground acceleration

    图  3  强震动记录S波窗口拾取示例

    Figure  3.  Illustration of selecting S wave window in strong motion recordings

    图  4  强震动记录全时程、S波H/V谱比对比

    Figure  4.  H/V spectral ratio of whole-record and S wave window and the ratio of FASR

    图  5  Taper预处理计算示意

    Figure  5.  Tapered function used in this study

    图  6  Taper处理前后的时程对比

    Figure  6.  The difference of S wave time recording between tapering(b) and without tapering(a)

    图  7  Taper处理前后的傅氏谱对比

    Figure  7.  The difference of S wave window Fourier spectrum between tapering and without tapering

    图  8  Taper处理对H/V谱比计算的影响

    Figure  8.  The influence of calculating H/V spectral ratio with tapering S wave window

    图  9  不同带宽Parzen窗平滑后的S波H/V谱比曲线对比

    Figure  9.  The distinctness of H/V spectral ratio caves of S wave window smoothed with different band Parzen window

    图  10  S波H/V平均谱比曲线在卓越周期处的标准差及所采用的强震动记录数量

    Figure  10.  The standard deviation of average curve of S wave H/V spectral ratio in predominant period and recording number in different stations

    图  11  S波H/V平均谱比曲线在0.05—3s周期段内标准差的平均值

    Figure  11.  The mean value of standard deviation of S wave H/V spectral ratio in 0.05s-3s period

    图  12  H/V平均谱比曲线标准差与1.0Hz带宽下结果的比值

    Figure  12.  The ratio of standard deviation of H/V spectral ratio smoothed by Parzen window in different band to the result under 1.0Hz

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