Quantitative Analysis of the Observed Environmental Changes of Geomagnetic Stations in Mainland China from 1997 to 2016
摘要: 本文利用CHAOS-6地磁场模型计算1997—2016年中国大陆地区34个地磁台站模型值,分析比较模型计算值与台站实测值之间的差异,利用国际参考场模型IGRF12计算结果进行佐证。结果表明:地磁异常场模量△T作为地磁台站观测环境的一种标志,年变化显示:①中国大陆地区34个地磁基准台绝大部分位于地磁正常区或弱磁异常区,只有少数几个地磁台位于强磁异常区;②判断1个地磁台的地磁场环境,只测量总强度(F)是不够的,必须进行三分量绝对观测,利用地磁异常场模量△T评价地磁台的地磁场环境更全面、更科学合理。Abstract: Using CHAOS-6 geomagnetic field model, we calculated the model values of 34 geomagnetic stations between 1997-2016 in mainland China. By analyzing and comparing the model calculation value and the observation value, and the difference between using IGRF12 calculation results, we found that the geomagnetic anomalous field modulus(△T) is a good indicator of the geomagnetic station observation environment. Our results show that:①for the most part the geomagnetic normal area or weak magnetic anomaly area of 34 geomagnetic stations in mainland China, only a handful of geomagnetic station located in the strong magnetic anomaly zone, ②to judge the geomagnetic field environment of a geomagnetic platform, it is not enough to make the measurement of total strength (F) only, but to make the absolute observation of three components. Instead, it will be more comprehensive, more scientific and reasonable by using the modulus of geomagnetic anomalies (△T) in evaluating the geomagnetic field environment of a geomagnetic platform in future.
Key words:
- Geomagnetic field /
- CHAOS-6 model /
- Geomagnetic station /
- Modulus of geomagnetic anomaly /
- IGRF12 model
表 1 地理坐标与地心坐标计算结果比较
Table 1. Comparison of calculation results between geographic coordinates and geocentric coordinates
测项 地理坐标下的模型值/nT 地心坐标下的模型值/nT 台站观测值/nT dif地理/nT dif地心/nT X红山 29305.2 29503.5 29547.2 -242.0 -43.7 Y红山 -2993.2 -2946.6 -3072.9 79.7 126.3 Z红山 44739.8 44523.6 44321.7 418.1 201.9 X昌黎 27768.7 28041.0 28045.4 -276.7 -4.4 Y昌黎 -3681.9 -3670.7 -3725.0 43.1 54.3 Z昌黎 46217.1 45889.4 45808.7 408.4 80.7 表 2 地磁台的地磁异常场(CHAOS-6模型)
Table 2. The geomagnetic anomaly field of the observatories
台站名称 △D/′ △I/° △H/nT △X/nT △Y/nT △Z/nT △F/nT △T/nT 北京 -18.6 -0.3 689.1 667.8 -231.5 592.0 865.4 928.0 昌黎 -6.6 0.0 -21.4 -27.9 -52.0 -45.3 -49.8 76.0 成都 3.9 0.3 -50.5 -49.4 40.0 280.80 172.10 288.6 崇明 14.8 0.1 72.0 84.7 136.7 197.3 193.3 254.7 大连 8.0 -0.5 323.6 329.4 25.8 -418.20 -177.10 548.4 德都 -13.1 -0.2 132.6 112.9 -112.3 -129.5 -64.0 204.9 格尔木 -7.6 -0.1 98.6 98.7 -66.9 50.1 97.4 129.7 肇庆 1.6 0.5 -50.4 -49.7 19.5 419.1 189.1 422.6 贵阳 -8.4 0.2 22.0 19.3 -90.0 184.8 135.3 213.8 杭州 -31.3 -0.3 96.3 66.3 -315.6 -233.4 -94.2 437.3 红山 -16.9 -0.2 51.4 37.7 -151.5 -239.2 -168.7 286.0 呼和浩特 -0.9 0.2 20.3 19.7 -9.2 343.8 308.1 345.2 嘉峪关 1.2 0.1 27.5 27.6 9.4 155.4 148.1 160.8 静海 -4.2 0.2 -76.2 -79.5 -27.4 165.8 98.3 186.0 喀什 7.1 0.1 30.9 27.2 58.1 272.8 249.7 280.8 台站名称 △D/′ △I/° △H/nT △X/nT △Y/nT △Z/nT △F/nT △T/nT 拉萨 -13.3 0.0 202.5 201.9 -134.3 235.8 309.7 368.8 兰州 -6.7 0.2 -62.6 -64.6 -57.9 193.8 121.4 212.8 满洲里 0.1 -0.1 -64.0 -63.1 10.7 -344.4 -343.7 350.4 蒙城 13.7 -0.1 65.7 54.4 -134.2 -49.1 4.3 153.1 乾陵 2.2 -0.1 51.5 52.6 17.6 -105.2 -51.9 121.6 琼中 -6.8 0.6 -65.0 -66.7 -76.5 441.6 129.6 453.3 泉州 -3.0 0.3 -29.5 -31.5 -29.5 271.2 138.8 296.2 邵阳 -1.4 -0.2 81.3 80.6 -18.6 -119.5 -17.6 145.7 佘山 -0.2 0.8 -323.1 -322.1 26.5 602.3 212.1 683.9 太原 -3.1 0.0 82.9 80.2 -33.2 93.1 123.4 158.9 泰安 23.9 -1.0 724.2 741.4 145.7 -573.6 -32.7 948.9 天水 1.8 -0.1 80.4 81.1 13.2 -103.1 -32.8 133.3 通海 -2.2 0.7 -99.1 -99.5 -22.0 578.8 254.6 587.8 乌鲁木齐 1.1 0.2 -124.5 -124.7 0.7 251.4 172.4 289.1 武汉 -0.1 -0.1 57.8 57.6 -5.2 -42.3 9.5 75.0 西昌 -19.9 0.0 146.0 140.9 -212.2 142.2 203.2 305.7 银川 -2.9 -0.1 79.2 77.8 -28.7 -127.1 -65.6 158.1 邕宁 -3.2 0.3 -31.0 -32.0 -34.3 274.1 123.7 278.2 长春 -7.7 0.0 6.2 -3.5 -58.4 3.5 6.2 92.2 表 3 地磁台的地磁异常场(IGRF12模型)
Table 3. The geomagnetic anomaly field of the observatories
台站名称 △D/′ △I/° △H/nT △X/nT △Y/nT △Z/nT △F/nT △T/nT 北京 -16.2 -0.4 724.2 704.8 -215.1 393.5 714.4 840.5 昌黎 -7.3 0.0 -65.7 -72.7 -52.1 -137.8 -151.7 165.3 成都 6.6 0.0 6.4 8.1 65.4 -30.0 -17.7 75.0 崇明 17.6 0.1 43.5 58.8 165.7 148.9 138.6 231.3 大连 10.5 -0.4 236.5 245.8 57.9 -373.3 -186.2 500.6 德都 -17.7 -0.1 17.6 -6.0 -120.9 -119.2 -101.5 170.5 格尔木 -4.3 0.1 -29.1 -29.1 -38.3 61.2 33.8 78.8 肇庆 4.8 0.0 -2.5 -0.6 53.1 38.2 19.2 67.5 贵阳 -6.2 0.0 10.5 8.5 -66.0 54.4 42.7 105.4 杭州 -32.1 -0.2 -2.9 -33.2 -315.4 -179.1 -125.3 392.5 红山 -13.9 0.0 -69.4 -80.2 -114.8 -157.1 -168.7 211.6 呼和浩特 4.2 0.1 -3.2 -0.3 34.1 255.3 219.6 258.5 嘉峪关 1.0 0.0 19.7 19.7 8.1 15.8 24.1 42.8 静海 1.8 0.1 -66.9 -64.6 22.0 48.7 5.0 85.6 喀什 8.7 0.2 -72.6 -76.9 64.4 239.9 168.1 260.6 拉萨 -13.6 0.0 159.1 158.5 -137.3 133.9 206.9 280.8 兰州 -1.9 -0.1 4.6 3.9 -17.1 -95.6 -75.2 98.7 满洲里 0.2 0.0 -163.7 -161.5 26.5 -336.0 -372.7 374.2 蒙城 -12.2 0.0 -24.2 -34.0 -113.2 -1.3 -16.4 120.8 乾陵 2.9 -0.1 -5.1 -3.7 27.1 -173.9 -140.9 177.2 琼中 -2.9 0.0 -7.6 -8.4 -33.2 -9.8 -11.8 41.7 泉州 1.3 -0.1 25.8 26.5 12.5 -70.1 -20.6 119.5 邵阳 -0.9 0.0 -15.2 -15.7 -8.7 -5.1 -14.9 32.7 佘山 4.0 0.4 -257.3 -253.0 61.5 256.8 8.8 367.1 太原 0.3 0.0 43.4 43.1 -0.9 19.2 39.9 85.9 泰安 22.2 -0.8 589.2 605.7 144.0 -497.5 -50.2 797.3 天水 6.2 -0.1 -2.5 -0.3 57.2 -109.5 -88.2 127.2 台站名称 △D/′ △I/° △H/nT △X/nT △Y/nT △Z/nT △F/nT △T/nT 通海 -1.2 0.2 -31.4 -31.6 -12.2 182.0 80.5 185.8 乌鲁木齐 1.6 0.2 -146.2 -146.7 3.8 151.3 72.9 214.2 武汉 1.7 -0.1 4.6 5.7 16.6 -63.4 -42.7 74.8 西昌 -20.2 -0.2 161.6 156.5 -215.6 -88.1 60.1 288.6 银川 -1.7 -0.1 -17.3 -18.2 -13.7 -139.1 -127.3 161.8 邕宁 -1.5 0.0 -9.5 -9.7 -16.4 9.3 -2.6 29.5 长春 -2.8 -0.1 31.8 27.7 -25.6 -109.3 -81.0 121.2 表 4 部分地磁台CHAOS-6和IGRF12模型的精度统计
Table 4. Accuracy from statistics of partial observatories by CHAO-6 and IGRF12 models
台站名称 △D/′ △I/° △H/nT △X/nT △Y/nT △Z/nT △F/nT △T/nT CHAOS-6 IGRF12 CHAOS-6 IGRF12 CHAOS-6 IGRF12 CHAOS-6 IGRF12 CHAOS-6 IGRF12 HAOS-6 IGRF12 CHAOS-6 IGRF12 CHAOS-6 IGRF12 琼中 -6.8 -2.9 0.6 0.0 -65.0 -7.6 -66.7 -8.4 -76.5 -33.2 441.6 -9.8 129.6 -11.8 453.3 41.7 通海 -2.2 -1.2 0.7 0.2 -99.1 -31.4 -99.5 -31.6 -22.0 -12.2 578.8 182.0 254.6 80.5 587.8 185.8 肇庆 1.6 4.8 0.5 0.0 -50.4 -2.5 -49.7 -0.6 19.5 53.1 419.1 38.2 189.1 19.2 355.0 67.5 邕宁 -3.2 -1.5 0.3 0.0 -31.0 -9.5 -32.0 -9.7 -34.3 -16.4 274.1 9.3 123.7 -2.6 278.2 29.5 成都 3.9 6.6 0.3 0.0 -50.5 6.4 -49.4 8.1 40.0 65.4 280.8 -30.0 172.1 -17.7 288.6 75.0 邵阳 -1.4 -0.9 -0.2 -0.0 81.3 -15.2 80.6 -15.7 -18.6 -8.7 -119.5 -5.1 -17.6 -14.9 113.0 32.7 -
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