Application of Infinite Element Method in Dynamic Analysis of Deep Overburden Earth-rock-fill Dam
摘要: 以复杂地质条件的西藏高原地区旁多水电站实际工程为背景,探讨了有限元法与无限元法在深覆盖层悬挂式防渗墙土石坝结构非线性动力分析中的差异,分析和比较了无限元法和有限元法在西藏高原旁多水电站土石坝结构三维模型地震动响应的计算结果,验证了引入无限元法模拟西藏高原地区地基中复杂地质条件下的无限域或半无限域问题的可靠性和精确性。结果表明:在西藏高原地区复杂地质条件下,无限元法相比有限元法能量弥散现象较为明显。通过分析得到了西藏高原具有深覆盖层坝体结构地震动响应的规律性分析结果,为无限元法在西藏高原地区此类工程中的应用提供参考。Abstract: Taking the Tibetan plateau area of hydropower station with complex geological conditions as a case study, In this paper we analyze the nonlinear dynamic of deep soil layer hanged cut-off wall structure of earth-rock-fill dam by finite element method and the infinite element method, and compare the calculation results of seismic response of 3D model of earth-rock-fill dam structure of Pangduo hydropower station in Tibet plateau with infinite element method and finite element method, and verify the reliability and accuracy of infinite element method under complicated geological conditions in Tibet plateau foundation of infinite domain or semi-infinite domain. The results show that the infinite element method is more practical than the finite element method in the complex geological conditions of Tibet plateau. Our results of the seismic response of the dam structure with deep overburden on the Tibetan plateau will be significant in providing reference for the application of the infinite element method in such projects in the Tibetan plateau area in future.
表 1 材料等效线性模型参数
Table 1. Parameters of material equivalent linear model
材料 k1 k2 n λmax 坝壳料 20.43 2336 0.268 0.19 心墙 21.06 1106 0.556 0.25 地基 15.66 450 0.500 0.20 -
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