Seismic Energy Response Analysis of Simple Supported Beam Bridge
摘要: 利用有限元软件SAP2000建立了某公路简支梁桥的有限元模型,以7条典型强震记录为输入,研究了公路简支梁桥的地震能量响应及其分配规律。结果表明:①地基柔性效应对公路简支梁桥的地震能量响应及其分配规律的影响较小;②当场地土质变软时,地震总输入能、结构阻尼耗能和结构阻尼耗能比均呈递增趋势,而结构滞回耗能和结构滞回耗能比则不断减小,即地基土体作为桥梁动力系统的一部分,增大了系统阻尼,并分担了部分非弹性变形;③随着PGA增大,输入结构的地震能量也增加,导致塑性铰的非弹性变形增加,即结构滞回耗能和结构阻尼耗能增大。Abstract: SAP2000 is used to build the finite-element analysis (FEA) model of one simple supported beam bridge. By inputting seven typical ground motions, the seismic energy response and its distribution are analyzed based on seismic energy response equation. The results are obtained as followings:①Effect of flexible foundation on seismic energy response and its distribution of simple supported beam bridge is less. ②As site become soften, the input seismic energy, hysteretic energy dissipation and hysteretic energy dissipation ratio increases, but damping energy dissipation and damping energy dissipation ratio decreases. It is because that damping is increased along with the foundation soil which can share part of inelastic deformation. ③With increasing of PGA, input seismic energy increases. As the result, the inelastic deformation of plastic hinge increases. It suggests that the hysteretic energy dissipation and damping energy dissipation increases too.
表 1 地震动记录参数
Table 1. Parameters of ground motions
序号 记录名称 断层距/km 震级 场地 PGA/g PGV/m·s-1 PGD/m Ⅱ-1 RSN4458_MONTENE.GRO_ULO090 3.97 7.1 Ⅱ 0.25 0.490 0.196 Ⅱ-2 RSN6886_DARFIELD_CACSN40E 14.48 7.0 Ⅱ 0.19 0.294 0.294 Ⅱ-3 RSN6886_DARFIELD_CACSN50W 7.58 7.0 Ⅱ 0.20 0.490 0.490 Ⅱ-4 RSN6897_DARFIELD_DSLCN27W 7.29 7.0 Ⅱ 0.26 0.392 0.294 Ⅱ-5 RSN6911_DARFIELD_HORCN18E 5.07 7.0 Ⅱ 0.45 1.078 0.490 Ⅱ-6 RSN6960_DARFIELD_RHSCN86W 13.64 7.0 Ⅱ 0.19 0.294 0.196 Ⅱ-7 RSN8124_CCHURCH_RHSCS04W 9.05 6.2 Ⅱ 0.25 0.294 0.098 表 2 各类场地柔性地基模型的土弹簧刚度
Table 2. Stiffness of soil-spring of flexible models at four sites
场地 剪切波速/m·s-1 有效剪切模量/MPa 平动刚度/kN·m-1 转动刚度/kN·m·rad-1 Ⅱ 375 212.8 150.83×105 56.33×106 Ⅲ 200 57.9 39.98×105 14.93×106 Ⅳ 115 13.9 8.52×105 3.18×106 表 3 场地类型对简支梁桥的地震能量响应及分配规律的影响
Table 3. Effect of site on seimic energy response and its distribution
场地 剪切波速/m·s-1 基阶周期T/s 地震总输入能EI/kN·m 滞回耗能EH/kN·m 阻尼耗能ED/kN·m 滞回耗能比λH/% 阻尼耗能比λD/% Ⅰ 750 1.02 688.64 270.62 418.02 39.30 60.70 Ⅱ 375 1.08 733.10 282.98 450.12 38.60 61.40 Ⅲ 200 2.36 1100.22 225.52 874.70 20.50 79.50 Ⅳ 115 4.73 1176.15 138.59 1037.56 11.78 88.22 -
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