Influence of Structural Columns and Masonry Mortar on Seismic Capacity of Masonry Structure
摘要: 以汶川地震宏观震中映秀镇(实际烈度Ⅺ度)中裂而未倒且保存较完好的漩口中学南西栋教师宿舍楼为原型,采用有限元软件ABAQUS进行建模分析,研究构造柱布置数量、砂浆强度对砌体结构抗震能力的影响。分别通过改变构造柱布置数量和砂浆强度等级,建立3个模型进行对比分析,选取底层间位移角最大值作为衡量标准。研究结果表明:在遭遇烈度不高于Ⅷ度的地震时,构造柱的作用微乎其微,其布置数量的多少对砌体结构抗震能力的增加效果不明显;在遭遇烈度高于Ⅷ度的地震时,构造柱作用能够显现出来,其布置数量的增加能够有效增加砌体结构的抗震能力;砌体结构的抗震性能随砂浆强度等级的增加而提高。Abstract: Based on the model of the teachers' dormitory in Xuankou middle school, which is well preserved in Yingxiu (actual intensity is XI degree), the macro-epicenter of the Wenchuan County earthquake was modeled and analyzed by the finite element software ABAQUS. The influence of the number of structural columns and the strength of mortar on the aseismic capacity of masonry structure is studied. By changing the number of structural columns and the strength grade of mortar, three models are set up for comparative analysis, and the maximum displacement angle between the bottom layers is chosen as the standard of measurement. The results show that when the intensity of earthquake is not higher than Ⅷ degree, the effect of the constructional column is negligible, and the number of the constructional column has no obvious effect on the aseismic capability of the masonry structure. When the intensity of earthquake is higher than Ⅷ degree, the function of structural column appears. The increase of the number of structural columns can effectively increase the seismic capacity of masonry structure, and the aseismic capability of masonry structure increases with the increase of mortar strength grade.
Key words:
- Masonry structure /
- Seismic performance /
- Structural columns /
- Mortar strength
表 1 教师宿舍楼材料
Table 1. List of construction materials for the building of teachers' dormitory
材料 一层 二层 三层 四层 砖砌体 MU10 MU10 MU10 MU10 混凝土 C20 C20 C20 C20 砂浆 M10 M10 M7.5 M7.5 钢筋 受力纵筋为HPB335,箍筋为HRB235 表 2 模型单元选取
Table 2. The selection of model unit
单元类型 网格类型 构件 Solid单元 C3D8R 圈梁、柱、构造柱、砌体墙 Shell单元 S4R 楼板、屋盖 Shell单元 SFM3D4 钢筋面层 表 3 模型接触设置
Table 3. Contact settings in the model
连接类型 连接部位 Tie 楼板、砌体墙与圈梁 Coupling 砌体墙与构造柱 Embedded 钢筋与圈梁、构造柱 表 4 不同工况下构造柱布置数量
Table 4. Number of structural columns in different working conditions
工况 每层单个单元构造柱布置数量 每层构造柱布置总数量 工况一 21 40 工况二 15 28 工况三 27 50 表 5 砖砌体结构性能水平与层间位移角对应关系
Table 5. Relationship between performance level of masonry structure and inter-story displacement angle
性能水平 基本完好 中等破坏 严重破坏 倒塌破坏 层间位移角限值 1/2500 1/900 1/250 1/150 表 6 不同工况下层间位移角折减百分比
Table 6. Reduction percentage of inter-story displacement angle under different working conditions
PGA 工况一 工况二 折减百分比 工况一 工况三 折减百分比 工况二 工况三 折减百分比 0.05g 0.000155 0.000161 -3.7% 0.000155 0.000142 8.4% 0.000161 0.000142 11.8% 0.10g 0.000323 0.000382 -15.4% 0.000323 0.000308 4.6% 0.000382 0.000308 19.4% 0.15g 0.000472 0.000525 -10.1% 0.000472 0.000422 10.6% 0.000525 0.000422 19.6% 0.20g 0.000636 0.000702 -9.4% 0.000636 0.000608 4.4% 0.000702 0.000608 13.4% 0.30g 0.002225 0.002945 -24.4% 0.002225 0.001121 49.6% 0.002945 0.001121 61.9% 0.40g 0.004021 0.004805 -16.3% 0.004021 0.002481 38.3% 0.004805 0.002481 48.4% 0.60g 0.015524 0.018997 -18.3% 0.015524 0.006624 57.3% 0.018997 0.006624 65.1% 0.80g 0.029988 0.031219 -3.9% 0.029988 0.028544 4.8% 0.031219 0.028544 8.6% 表 7 不同工况砂浆强度等级
Table 7. Strength grade of mortar under different working conditions
工况 砂浆强度等级 工况一 M10 工况四 M5 工况五 M15 表 8 不同工况下层间位移角折减百分比
Table 8. Reduction percentage of inter-story displacement angle under different working conditions
PGA 工况一 工况四 折减百分比 工况一 工况五 折减百分比 工况四 工况五 折减百分比 0.05g 0.000155 0.000296 -47.6% 0.000155 0.000101 34.8% 0.000296 0.000101 65.9% 0.10g 0.000323 0.000801 -46.3% 0.000323 0.000276 26.9% 0.000801 0.000276 60.7% 0.15g 0.000472 0.000912 -48.2% 0.000472 0.000354 25.0% 0.000912 0.000354 61.2% 0.20g 0.000636 0.001241 -48.8% 0.000636 0.000478 24.8% 0.001241 0.000478 61.5% 0.30g 0.002225 0.004031 -44.8% 0.002225 0.001978 33.6% 0.004031 0.001978 63.3% 0.40g 0.004021 0.007688 -47.7% 0.004021 0.002575 36.0% 0.007688 0.002575 66.5% 0.60g 0.015524 0.029754 -47.8% 0.015524 0.006645 57.2% 0.029754 0.006645 77.7% 0.80g 0.029988 0.045771 -34.5% 0.029988 0.018742 37.5% 0.045771 0.018742 59.1% -
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