Interpolating Method for Missing Data of Integral Point Temperature and Its Preliminary Application
摘要: 长期连续完整的历史气温资料是震前气温异常判别研究的重要数据基础。本文考虑了参考站与缺测站之间的距离,建立改进的线性回归模型。利用该模型插补缺测和错误的气温整点值数据,在一定程度上解决了长期连续观测数据缺测的情况。通过对收集的唐山观测站气温整点值数据进行插补,并应用插补完整的数据分析研究了2012年5月28日唐山4.8级地震前兆异常。结果表明:①插补值与其前后观测值衔接吻合,插补后完整连续数据符合夏高冬低的年变规律;②插补误差在±0.5℃范围内的比例为60.2%,在±0.8℃范围内的比例为80.3%,其误差绝对值大于1.0℃的比例为9.6%,平均绝对误差为0.84℃,插补值与观测值的相关系数大部分在0.9以上;③从3月27日起出现增温异常,特别是震前2天增温幅度约8℃。Abstract: The analysis of the temperature anomaly before earthquakes is based on the continuously historical air temperature data. The improved linear regression model is established in this paper in consideration of the distance of reference sites and missing observation sites. This model is used to interpolate hourly temperature data of missing and incorrect observations, which can partially help to solve the problem of long-term continuous observations data missing. The observation data from 15 sites were interpolated with the improved linear regression method and the interpolated data were applied to the Tangshan MS 4.8 earthquake that occurred on May 28, 2012. Our results suggest that: ①The interpolated data are consistent with its pre and post observation and the complete temperature data have the annual variation characteristic of higher in summer and lower in winter; ②The probability of error in temperature range ±0.5℃ is about 60.2%, and the error in ±0.8℃ is about 80.3%. The absolute error over 1.0℃ is 9.6% and the mean absolute error is 0.84℃. The correlation coefficients between interpolated and observed data are generally greater than 0.9; ③The complete interpolated temperature data of Tangshan site were applied to study the Tangshan earthquake, 2012. The results show that the temperature increasing anomaly was found on May 10, 2012, when the temperature increased 8℃ two days before the quake.
Key words:
- Integral point temperature /
- Interpolating /
- Linear regression model /
- Earthquake
表 1 唐山站整点气温数据的缺测统计
Table 1. Missing data in integral point temperatures from the Tangshan site
数据起止时间 年份 数据缺测情况 2007-01-01 — 2013-12-18 2007 7月14—15日、7月25日 2008 3月8—11日、11月17—24日、11月26日、12月3日、12月7—11日 2009 3月18日、3月26日、4月2日—5月13日、6月27—29日、7月25日、11月10日—11日8时、11月19—21日、11月25—27日、11月30日、12月1—5日、12月13日 2012 6月1—24日、8月30日—9月1日、9月8日、12月24—29日 2013 1月21日—2月5日、6月25日、8月1—3日、7月27—30日、9月5—6日、9月23—24日 表 2 唐山插补站及其邻近台站信息
Table 2. Information of interpolation site and its neighboring sites
台站 经度/°E 纬度/°N 海拔/m 与唐山站距离/km 唐山 116.6 40.4 30 0 北京 116 40 60 156 昌黎 119 39.7 18.4 83 蓟县 117.5 40.1 65 82 宁河 117.7 39.4 2.5 45 青光 117 39.2 3 110 徐庄子 117.2 38.7 2 142 表 3 观测值与插补值相关系数
Table 3. Correlation coefficients between interpolated and observed data
日期 优化模型相关系数 相关系数 2010-03-01 0.922018 0.916277 2010-03-02 0.962184 0.967497 2010-03-03 0.934722 0.94439 2010-03-04 0.986854 0.973136 2010-03-05 0.97029 0.931489 2010-03-06 0.925587 0.958141 2010-03-07 0.962133 0.96263 2010-03-08 0.72234 0.652517 2010-03-09 0.896098 0.915444 2010-03-10 0.980709 0.977074 2010-03-11 0.928618 0.952106 2010-03-12 0.892358 0.900113 2010-03-13 0.950986 0.959182 2010-03-14 0.799879 0.753849 2010-03-15 0.881494 0.792166 2010-03-16 0.974627 0.968444 2010-03-17 0.972681 0.970844 2010-03-18 0.976031 0.973557 2010-03-19 0.596366 0.618699 2010-03-20 0.846827 0.745552 2010-03-21 0.951358 0.951009 2010-03-22 0.932557 0.951905 2010-03-23 0.901255 0.919988 2010-03-24 0.897624 0.920017 2010-03-25 0.974534 0.981077 2010-03-26 0.958726 0.979361 2010-03-27 0.976428 0.948801 2010-03-28 0.987332 0.993851 2010-03-29 0.927046 0.962993 2010-03-30 0.841163 0.902429 2010-03-31 0.968156 0.977347 表 4 唐山站整点气温缺测插补误差比例
Table 4. Proportion of error for interpolated integral point temperature
误差范围 比例/% (-∞,-1) 7.8 [-1,-0.8) 5.4 [-0.8,-0.5) 9.5 [-0.5,0) 31.2 [-0.5,0.5] 60.5 [0,0.5) 29.3 [0.5,0.8) 11.6 [0.8,1) 3.6 [1,∞) 1.6 [-0.8,0.8] 81.6 -
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