The Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Global Volcanism and the Deformation Characteristics Before and After Eruption of Mount Agung in 2017
摘要: 归纳总结2017年度全球81座活火山的活动情况,共计活动1058座次,平均每周记录20座活火山的活动信息。根据火山潜在喷发的危险性和火山活动的强弱程度对上述火山进行分级描述,火山活动主要反映了地球表层的构造活动,其中大角度俯冲带的弧后火山最为强烈,小角度的俯冲带、拉张裂谷和走滑为主的板块边界火山活动较为平静,火山活动频繁的印度尼西亚岛链是受灾最为严重的区域。预计全球火山活动将进一步加剧,印尼岛链受火山灾害威胁的程度依然较大。位于印尼岛链巴厘岛上的阿贡火山自2017年9月开始活动以来,整个喷发过程极具代表性,监测阿贡火山喷发过程可为全球典型火山喷发事件研究提供参考。Abstract: In this article we summarize the activities of active volcanoes worldwide in 2017 (until December 31, 2017). There are a total of 81 volcanoes in the world with 1, 058 eruptions. On average, 20 active volcanoes are recorded weekly. According to the potential eruption risk and the intensity of volcanic activity, the above volcanoes were classified. The volcanic activity mainly reflects the tectonic activities of the Earth's surface. Among them, the post-arc volcano of the high-angle subduction zone is relatively high, while the volcanic activity of the low-angle subduction zone, the stretched rift, and the plateau dominated by strike-slip is relatively low. The Indonesian island chain, where volcanic activity is high, is one of the regions most affected by the volcanic hazard. Hundreds of thousands of people have to move to shelters. It is expected that the global volcanic activity will further intensify in the next year, and the island chain is still threatened by volcanic hazard. The Agung volcano on Indonesian island chain has been representative of the entire eruption process since its inception in September 2017. Monitoring of the eruption process of the Agung volcano can provide reference for typical volcanic eruptions in the world.
Key words:
- Active volcano /
- Volcanic activity /
- Tectonic activity /
- Volcanic hazard /
- Agung volcano
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