Application of Micro Tremor Observation on Vibration Characteristic and Rapid Seismic Capacity Evaluation for Brick Concrete Buildings
摘要: 城市建筑群中砖混结构建筑数量众多,抗震性能较弱,在地震中的破损率较高,逐一进行抗震性能测定难度巨大。本文提出基于常时微动观测的城市砖混结构建筑群抗震性能快速评价方法,提供初步的决策参考建议,适用于在大范围城市建筑群中快捷地筛选易损建筑。选取呼和浩特市区331栋砖混结构建筑物进行振动特性分析,分别建立适用于研究区域建筑物长轴和短轴平均共振周期与建筑物楼层数的回归关系,作为衡量研究区砖混结构建筑群抗震能力的快速判断标准。筛选出82栋抗震能力较弱的易损建筑,其中24栋为重点关注对象,主要分布于人口较为密集的老旧城区,多为4层(含)以上住宅类型,建筑年代较为久远,具有面临潜在地震危害的风险,为下一步有针对性地进行抗震加固和防震减灾工作提供参考依据。Abstract: At present, a large number of brick concrete structure buildings in urban areas of China are poor in anti-seismic performance in destructive earthquakes. It is hard to determine these buildings in detailed aseismic properties one by one. Based on the micro tremor observation, we put forward a rapid method to evaluate the anti- seismic ability of these brick concrete structure buildings in urban areas. Our method is suitable for determining the buildings that may be vulnerable in large areas of the city and providing preliminary decision-making reference. In this paper, vibration characteristic analysis is carried out for 331 buildings of brick concrete in the urban district in Hohhot. Then regression analysis of the relations between number of floors and major and minor axis average period resonance are established, respectively, and which are taken as the rapid judge criterion for anti-seismic capability of brick concrete structure buildings. We selected 82 buildings with poor anti-seismic capacity, in which 24 buildings are chosen to be the critical representatives, which mainly distributed in heavily populated areas of older neighborhoods. Most of these buildings are residential with over four floors (including four floors) and in great potential seismic hazard risks. The results will provide scientific reference for further anti-seismic strengthening and earthquake prevention and disaster mitigation.
Key words:
- Hohhot /
- Brick concrete structure /
- Vibration characteristic /
- Aseismic capability /
- Rapid evaluation
表 1 平均绝对共振周期
Table 1. List of absolute average period resonance
楼层 平均绝对共振周期T/s 标准差σ 长轴方向 短轴方向 长轴方向 短轴方向 2 0.152 0.163 0.0228 0.0236 3 0.161 0.170 0.0292 0.0268 4 0.182 0.204 0.0209 0.0228 5 0.212 0.238 0.0250 0.0263 6 0.249 0.264 0.0353 0.0272 -
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