The Development and Practice of the Research on City Resistance to Earthquake Disaster in China
摘要: 城市是社会发展的产物,它具有人口密集、经济发达、基础设施集中等特点。城市安全一直是人们普遍关心的问题,城市地震安全受到政府和社会的广泛关注,并且是学术界研究的热点问题之一。唐山大地震后,在反思惨痛震害教训的同时,中国政府和学术界开始了长达40余年的城市抗御地震灾害的研究与实践,形成了有中国特色的城市抗震防灾技术和方法。本文简要地归纳了破坏性地震对城市的影响,从我国先后开展的城市抗震防灾规划、防震减灾规划和韧性城市3个方面系统地总结了中国城市抗御地震灾害研究和实践的发展历程,讨论和评述了在这一研究领域存在的问题。本文对韧性城市的定义、研究内容、特征、评价指标和方法进行了较为详细的介绍,在此基础上,提出了在城市抗震中应重点加强研究的5个方面的问题和今后的研究方向。Abstract: The city is a natural result of economic development, which is characterized by dense population, developed economy, and centralized infrastructure. The urban security has been a widely concerned problem. Seismic security in cities has been attended by government and society, and is also one of the hot issues of academic research. Reflecting on the lessons of the tragic earthquake disaster after Tangshan earthquake, Chinese government and academia have been studied and practiced urban resistance to earthquake disaster more than 40 years, and the technology and methods of urban seismic disaster prevention with Chinese characteristics have been formed. This article briefly summarized the effect of earthquake on cities, development history of the research and practice about Chinese urban earthquake disaster. Three aspects that are anti-earthquake and disaster prevention plan, earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation plan, and resilient cities which were carried out successfully in China were systematically summarized problems in this research field were reviewed and discussed. The definition, research contents, characteristics, evaluation index and methods of resilient city were explained in detail. On the basis of this, five problems and research orientations in the future that should be put forward. The work of this paper is of great significance to the scientific and technical workers who engage in urban anti-seismic research.
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