Analysis on the Disaster Characteristics of the 2017 Taxkorgan MS 5.5 Earthquake in Xinjiang
摘要: 2017年5月11日新疆塔什库尔干发生MS 5.5地震,该地震的发震构造为塔什库尔干断裂带,属于全新世发震构造,且为浅源型张性中强地震。此地区受欧亚板块和印度洋板块的挤压碰撞,构造活动剧烈。极震区位于地震断裂上方,灾害破坏较集中,地震对震中附近的库孜滚村造成了毁灭性破坏,与同级别地震相比,灾情较重。灾区位于帕米尔高原,自然条件恶劣,资源匮乏,经济落后,自建房屋质量差,抗震能力低,这也是本次地震震级不大、震害较重的重要原因。
- 塔什库尔干MS 5.5地震 /
- 震害 /
- 减灾效益 /
- 安居富民工程
Abstract: On May 11, 2017, a MS 5.5 earthquake occurred in Taxkorgan of Xinjiang. The earthquake is in the Taxkorgan fault belts, which belongs to the Holocene seismogenic structure and is characterized by the shallow source and medium-strong earthquake. Thectonically, this region is effected by the Eurasian plate and the Indian plate together, so the regional tectonic activity is relatively strong. The most damaged zone is located above the earthquake fault, and the disaster damage is more concentrated, causing devastating damage to Kuzigun village near the epicenter. Compared to the earthquake with same scale, the degree of disaster is relatively high. The possible reasons for such "heavy damage with mediate scale of earthquake" are because of the poor natural conditions, lack of resources, economic backwardness, poor quality of self-built housing and low anti-seismic capacity. -
表 1 震区各类结构房屋面积(单位:m2)
Table 1. Total areas of various kinds of structures in the earthquake area (unit: m2)
行政区 土木结构面积 砖木结构面积 砖混结构面积 框架结构面积 总面积 县城 9000 114700 171135 325700 620535 乡镇 814770 46954 47636 0 909360 表 2 震区各类结构房屋的破坏情况
Table 2. Statistial results of building damages of various structures in the earthquake area
行政区 单位 毁坏 严重破坏 中等破坏 轻微破坏 破坏合计 不具备修复价值 县城 m2 26156 54751 74645 341811 497363 99568 间 1308 2738 3732 17091 24869 4979 户 327 685 933 4273 6218 1245 乡镇 m2 80958 151041 194444 260836 687279 280610 间 4048 7552 9722 13042 34364 14031 户 1012 1888 2431 3261 8592 3508 表 3 塔什库尔干县震区安居富民房减灾效益对比
Table 3. Statistical results of reducing damage with anti-seismic living room project
类别 未进行安居工程改造损失 实际损失 减少损失 受伤人数 68 31 37 死亡人数 34 8 26 受灾人数 53438 26486 26952 房屋直接经济损失/亿元 68.8 20.05 38.75 需紧急安置人数 36783 16194 20589 恢复重建费用/亿元 88.3 29.34 42.96 -
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