New Activity of the Mingguang-Chihe Segmented of the Tanlu Fault Zone in Anhui Province
摘要: 郯庐断裂带南段淮河至女山湖段落已被证实具有晚第四纪活动性,为进一步追踪断裂带在女山湖以南的活动情况,选取明光至定远池河镇段落进行遥感解译、地质地貌调查、探槽开挖及年代样品测试等工作。研究发现,该段断裂在卫星影像上显示线性特征较差,发育断裂主要为池河-太湖断裂;断裂新活动主要表现为控制池河河谷的发育及沿明南土山村、池河石塘岳、池河周王等地展布的线性岗状地貌;在上述岗地边缘开挖探槽揭示断裂在该段最新活动方式具挤压逆冲性质,最新活动时代为中更新世,晚更新世以来不活动。上述结果初步表明,该段与其北侧相邻的淮河至女山湖段在第四纪活动性上存在差异,可能为郯庐断裂带在女山湖附近存在分段导致。Abstract: The section of Huaihe River to Nvshan Lake in the southern part of Tanlu fault zone has been beleived to be of late Quaternary activity. To trace further the activity of the fault to the south of the Nvshan Lake, we selected Mingguang south to Chihe Town section to conduct remote sensing interpretation, geological survey, trench excavation and age sample analysis. The results show that the linear features of this section are poor, and the main faults are the Chihe-Taihu fault. The new activities of the fault are mainly manifested as the control of the development of the valley of Chihe River and the hillock geomorphology along the Tushan Village in the Minguang Town, Shi Tangyue and Zhouwang Village in the Chihe Town. Excavation of trenches at the edge of the hillock revealed that the latest mode of activity of the fault in this segment is characterized by crushing and thrusting. The latest tectonic activity of the fault was the middle Pleistocene and inactivity since the late Pleistocene. The above preliminarily results show that exists the difference in Quaternary activity between this section and the Huaihe-Nvshan Lake section adjacent to the north side, possibly resulting from the subdivision of the Tanlu fault zone near the Nvshan Lake.
Key words:
- Tanlu fault zone /
- Chihe-Taihu fault /
- New activity /
- Trench /
- Nvshan lake
表 1 研究区中新生代地层
Table 1. A brief description of Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata in the study area
地质年代 岩石地层 主要岩性 第四纪 全新世(Qh) 丰乐镇组 灰黄色亚黏土、亚黏土 晚更新世(Q3) 戚咀组 褐黄色细粉砂、砂质黏土,含钙质结核和铁锰结核 中更新世(Q2) 泊岗组 上部棕黄、褐黄色粉砂质黏土;下部棕红色砂质黏土夹含砾砂质黏土 早更新世(Q1) 豆冲组 棕黄色、青灰色砂质含砾细砂,夹砂质黏土 新近纪 上新世(N2) 桂五组 玄武质火山岩沉积 中新世(N1) 下草湾组 灰绿色含砾粉砂质黏土岩,含砾黏土岩 古近纪 渐新世(E3) 明光组 褐黄、灰黄色粉砂质泥岩、灰色凝灰质砂岩互层 始新世(E2) 定远组 棕红、砖红、紫红色砂砾岩,泥质粉砂岩 古新世(E1) 白垩纪 晚白垩世(K2) 张桥组 砖红、棕红色细砾砂岩、含砾砂岩、粉砂岩 早白垩世(K1) 新庄组 上部黄绿、黄褐、灰红色砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩和泥灰岩;下部灰紫色厚层砾岩、长石砂岩 表 2 探槽剖面年龄样品测试结果
Table 2. Dating results of samples from the exploratory trench
样品类型 编号 采样位置 地层岩性 测试方法 年龄/ka BP 14C ts-c-1 土山村探槽北壁层① 亚黏土 AMS加速质谱 0.524—0.435 OSL ts-osl-1 土山村探槽北壁层③ 砾石层夹黏土 SAR粗颗粒石英 86.4±2.4 ts-osl-2 土山村探槽北壁层③ 砾石层夹黏土 SAR粗颗粒石英 23.0±2.2 ts-osl-3 土山村探槽北壁层④ 黏土 SAR粗颗粒石英 ﹥130 ZW-OSL-1 周王探槽北壁层② 黏土 SAR粗颗粒石英 8.3±0.7 ZW-OSL-2 周王探槽北壁层② 黏土 SAR粗颗粒石英 ﹥110 ZW-OSL-3 周王探槽北壁层② 黏土 SAR粗颗粒石英 114.1±7.2 注:14C样品由美国BETA实验室测试;OSL样品由山东省地震局年代学实验室测试。 -
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