Comprehensive Study on Activity of the Western Margin Fault and Genesis Analysis of Qinwangchuan Basin
摘要: 秦王川盆地西缘断裂发育于陇中盆地地震构造区内部,本文对其进行了综合研究。浅层人工地震探测表明,该断裂在最小埋深130m处有显示,联合钻探结果表明该深度处为新近纪湖相沉积地层,泥岩层顶面向盆地方向呈斜坡状,槽探未揭露出断层。综合研究表明该断裂发育在新近纪地层内部,并未上穿第四纪沉积物,属于前第四纪隐伏断层。秦王川盆地在古近纪—新近纪山间泛湖盆的基础上,由于区域构造应力不均匀挤压抬升,形成山间负向地形,成为第四纪多变环境下河流堆积的拗陷盆地。秦王川盆地西缘断裂不具有控制中强地震空间分布的作用和形成地表破裂的能力,对盆地的构造稳定性不构成影响,亦不影响兰州新区的规划发展。Abstract: The western margin fault of Qinwangchuan basin can be regarded as interior fracture of the seismotectonic province of Longzhong basin.Taking the seismic microzoning of Lanzhou New Area as an opportunity, the authors made a comprehensive research on the western margin fault of Qinwangchuan basin.The results showed that in the 130m depth of the upper breakpoint of the fault is fonnd in the Neogene lacustrine strata by shallow seismic exploration and joint drilling, the roof of the mudstone trends in the direction of the Qinwangchuan basin too.The Baojiayao trench reveals no fault eviclerce near surface.Comprehensive research shows that the fault developed in the Neogene strata and did not cut upward the Quaternary sediments through.The western margin fault of Qinwangchuan basin is belongs to the buried fault of the former Quaternary.The Qinwangchuan basin was formed on the basic of the negative terrain among the mountains and had become a changeable fluvial-deposited depression basin in the Quaternary period, due to the regional tectonic stress differentiated compression and uplifting after the E-N intermountain Pan-lake Period environment.It could have no the function to control the spatial distribution of mid-strong earthquakes and the ability to form the surface rupture along the western margin fault of Qinwangchuan basin.Meanwhile, the tectonic stability of the Qinwangchuan basin and planning and development of Lanzhou New Area are not affected.
图 1 秦王川盆地及西缘断裂地震构造位置
①全新世断裂;②晚更新世断裂;③早—中更新世断裂;④走滑断裂;⑤逆冲断裂;⑥隐伏断裂;⑦地表破裂带;⑧块体挤出方向(袁道阳等,2004);⑨8.0≤MS ≤8.9;⑩7.0≤MS ≤7.9;⑪ 6.0≤MS ≤6.9;⑫ 4.7≤MS ≤5.9;F1:祁连-海原断裂;F2:六盘山断裂;F3:西秦岭北缘断裂;F4:热水-日月山断裂;F5:青海南山断裂;F6:拉脊山断裂;F7:庄浪河断裂;F8:秦王川盆地西缘断裂;F9:马衔山-兴隆山断裂;F10:白银白杨树沟断裂
Figure 1. Seismo-tectonic background of the western margin fault and Qinwangchuan basin
图 7 保家窑探槽南壁素描图
(a)探槽特征,红色短线为DZ6、DZ4、DZ7和ZT2控制的可疑断层F1通过位置;(b)新近系泥岩顶部冲刷面特征,以细砾石薄层为标志;(c)新近系泥岩局部形成的侵蚀凹槽,向下呈尖灭状Figure 7. Sketch profile of southern wall of the Baojiayao trench
表 1 秦王川盆地西缘断裂浅层地震探测结果表
Table 1. Shallow seismic detection results in the western margin fault of Qinwangchuan basin
测线编号 断点 性质 倾向 视倾角/° 断距/m 上断点埋深/m 控制程度 TE3 TE2 TE1 DZ3 F1 逆 W 70 >11 约18 230 可靠 DZ4 F1 逆 W 40 7 20 34 130 可靠 f3 逆 E 55 16 20 195 DZ6 F1 逆 W 40 约4 约18 >20 150 可靠 f3 逆 E 55 约18 >23 185 df1 逆 E 50 约13 约23 185 DZ7 F1 逆 W 60 约4 约25 >45 140 可靠 DZ8 F1 逆 W 45 约5 约14 >30 160 可靠 f3 逆 E 55 约8 >12 215 DZ9 F1 逆 W 45 >4 约10 >10 150 可靠 f3 逆 E 55 约7 >15 180 表 2 秦王川盆地西缘断裂联合钻探结果
Table 2. Cobined drilling results in the western margin fault of Qinwangchuan basin
剖面编号 地点 钻孔/个 长度l/m 孔距d/m 孔深h/m 地面高程/m 揭露地层
厚度/m断层可疑现象 ZT1 新昌村南 4 140.8 40.4—60.0 36.5—40.2 2162.8— 2164.3 Q:11.375 N:27.80 无 ZT2 保家窑
村北9 297.0 13.0—70.0 10.0—30.5 2079.0— 2081.5 Q:10.29 N:11.83 有 ZT3 韩家墩 10 405.0 10.0—9.0 38.0—50.0 2022.5— 2035.0 Q:23.76 N:18.62 无 ZT3—1 货站北路与经一
路交汇处6 138.0 5.0—73.0 25.0—40.3 2024.8— 2025.4 Q:16.35 N:17.59 无 ZT4 陈家井 5 161.0 15.0—66.0 39.6—41.0 2005.8— 2009.3 Q:30.58 N:9.640 无 ZT5 兰州分离科学
研究所5 158.0 12.0—110.0 29.2—30.7 1916.1— 1917.0 Q:9.500 N:20.56 无 -
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