• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


席桂梅 郭雷 何书耕 张诗若 闵也 李启成

席桂梅, 郭雷, 何书耕, 张诗若, 闵也, 李启成. 用改进的经验格林函数方法模拟唐山地震动[J]. 震灾防御技术, 2019, 14(1): 97-107. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20190110
引用本文: 席桂梅, 郭雷, 何书耕, 张诗若, 闵也, 李启成. 用改进的经验格林函数方法模拟唐山地震动[J]. 震灾防御技术, 2019, 14(1): 97-107. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20190110
Xi Guimei, Guo Lei, He Shugeng, Zhang Shiruo, Min Ye, Li Qicheng. Ground Motion Simulations of Tangshan with Improved Empirical Green's Function[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2019, 14(1): 97-107. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20190110
Citation: Xi Guimei, Guo Lei, He Shugeng, Zhang Shiruo, Min Ye, Li Qicheng. Ground Motion Simulations of Tangshan with Improved Empirical Green's Function[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2019, 14(1): 97-107. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20190110


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20190110

辽宁省教育厅项目 551610001219


    席桂梅, 女, 生于1963年。副教授。主要从事地球物理学研究。E-mail:378086149@qq.com


    李启成, 男, 生于1963年。副教授。主要从事地震工程学研究。E-mail:731732866@qq.com

Ground Motion Simulations of Tangshan with Improved Empirical Green's Function

  • 摘要: 建筑物的抗震设防需要尽可能地掌握未来大地震强震动记录信息,但大地震强震动记录的匮乏阻碍了抗震设防实践的发展。经验格林函数方法作为模拟地震动的主要方法,可以提供可靠的大地震强震动记录,但也存在着许多问题,如缺乏对大地震断层滑动分布不均匀的描述、用经验确定小震数目、模拟方法受到大小地震相似条件的限制等。文中对上述经验格林函数方法存在的问题进行了研究,改进的经验格林函数方法,有效地解决了上述问题。并用其对唐山大地震进行了模拟,并把模拟的地震动时程和反应谱与实际记录相比较,发现用改进方法模拟的地震动加速度反应谱比用未改进方法模拟结果更接近实际的地震动记录加速度反应谱。由此说明改进的经验格林函数可更准确的模拟地震动。
  • 图  1  唐山主震断层划分和凹凸体位置

    Figure  1.  The fault division and the position of the convex and concave body of the Tangshan earthquak

    图  2  在北京饭店一楼记录的宁河地震东西向加速度

    Figure  2.  The west-east acceleration of the Ninghe earthquake recorded at the first floor of the Beijing Hotel

    图  3  3种方法获得的唐山大地震东西向反应谱比较

    Figure  3.  Comparison of the response spectra in west-east direction of the Tangshan earthquake from three methods

    图  4  3种途径获得的唐山大地震东西向加速度时程

    Figure  4.  The west-east acceleration time histories of the Tangshan earthquake from the three approaches

    图  5  北京饭店一楼记录到的宁河地震南北向加速度时程

    Figure  5.  the north-south acceleration record of the Ninghe earthquake received at the first floor of the Beijing Hotel

    图  6  3种方法获得的南北向反应谱比较

    Figure  6.  Comparison of the response spectra in the north-south direction of the Tangshan earthquake from three methods

    图  7  3种途径获得的唐山大地震南北向加速度时程

    Figure  7.  Acceleration time histories of the Tangshan earthquake in the direction of north-south recorded from the three approaches

    图  8  北京饭店地下室记录的宁河地震东西向加速度记录

    Figure  8.  West-east acceleration time history of the Ninghe earthquake recorded at the basement of the Beijing Hotel

    图  9  3种途径获得的唐山地震东西向反应谱比较

    Figure  9.  Comparison of the response spectra of the Tangshan earthquake in direction of west-east from three approaches

    图  10  3种途径获得的唐山地震东西向加速度时程

    Figure  10.  The acceleration time histories of the Tangshan earthquake in the direction of west-east from the three approaches

    图  11  北京饭店地下室记录的宁河地震南北向加速度记录

    Figure  11.  The north-south acceleration of the Ninghe earthquake recorded in the basement of the Beijing Hotel

    图  12  3种途径获得的唐山地震南北向反应谱比较

    Figure  12.  Comparison of the response spectra of theTangshan earthquake in the direction of north-south at the Beijing Hotel basement from three approaches

    图  13  3种途径获得的唐山地震南北向加速度时程

    Figure  13.  The acceleration time histories of the Tangshan earthquake in the direction of north-south from the three approaches

    图  14  官厅水库记录的宁河地震南北向加速度记录

    Figure  14.  The north-south acceleration time history of the Ninghe earthquake recorded at the Guanting Reservoir

    图  15  3种途径获得的唐山地震南北向反应谱比较

    Figure  15.  Comparison of the response spectra of the Tangshan earthquake in direction of South-North from three approaches

    图  16  3种途径获得的唐山地震南北方向加速度时程

    Figure  16.  The north-south acceleration time histories of the Tangshan earthquake recorded from the three approaches

    图  17  官厅水库记录的宁河地震竖直向加速度时程

    Figure  17.  The acceleration time history of the Ninghe earthquake recorded at the Guanting Reservoir in vertical direction

    图  18  3种途径获得的唐山地震竖直向反应谱比较

    Figure  18.  Comparison of response spectra of the Tangshan earth quake vertical direction from the three approaches

    图  19  3种途径获得的唐山地震竖方向加速度时程

    Figure  19.  The vertical acceleration time histories of the Tangshan earthquake from the three approaches

    图  20  模拟误差

    Figure  20.  Simulation error

    表  1  唐山大地震断层参数

    Table  1.   Fault parameters of the Tangshan earthquake

    断层编号 走向/° 倾角/° M0/dyne·cm L×W/km2 D/m Δσ/bar
    1 30 80 7.0×1026 57×20 1.38 20
    2 50 80 7.0×1026 57×20 1.38 20
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    表  2  宁河地震(MS 6.9)参数

    Table  2.   The Ninghe earthquake parameters (MS 6.9)

    震中位置 震源深度/km 发震时刻 走向/° 倾角/° M0/dyne·cm L×W/km2 Δσ/bar D/m
    17 1976-11-9
    330 39 8.0×1025 18×9 35 0.672
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    表  3  大地震子断层含子事件个数

    Table  3.   The mumber of sub-events in the main earthquake

    子断层编号 NL NW ND
    1 4 3 3
    2 4 3 3
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