Ground Motion Simulations of Tangshan with Improved Empirical Green's Function
摘要: 建筑物的抗震设防需要尽可能地掌握未来大地震强震动记录信息,但大地震强震动记录的匮乏阻碍了抗震设防实践的发展。经验格林函数方法作为模拟地震动的主要方法,可以提供可靠的大地震强震动记录,但也存在着许多问题,如缺乏对大地震断层滑动分布不均匀的描述、用经验确定小震数目、模拟方法受到大小地震相似条件的限制等。文中对上述经验格林函数方法存在的问题进行了研究,改进的经验格林函数方法,有效地解决了上述问题。并用其对唐山大地震进行了模拟,并把模拟的地震动时程和反应谱与实际记录相比较,发现用改进方法模拟的地震动加速度反应谱比用未改进方法模拟结果更接近实际的地震动记录加速度反应谱。由此说明改进的经验格林函数可更准确的模拟地震动。Abstract: The seismic fortification of buildings needs to master the records of future large earthquakes as much as we can, but the lack of time histories of large earthquakes have hindered the progress of fortification for large earthquakes. Empirical Green's function method as the main method to simulate ground motions, can provide reliable strong ground motion records, but there are lack of descriptions that earthquake fault slip distribution is not uniform, the number of small earthquake is determined by experience, and simulation method is limited by similar condition. Therefore, the above situations are studied, and an improved empirical Green's function method is proposed to effectively solve the above problems effectively. We used to improved empirical Green's function method to simulate the Tangshan earthquake. The comparisons are made for the simulated seismic time histories, response spectra and the records. We found that the response spectra simulated by the improved method are closer to the seismic records than those obtained by the no-improved method. It is shown that the improved method is an effective method for simulation of ground motion.
表 1 唐山大地震断层参数
Table 1. Fault parameters of the Tangshan earthquake
断层编号 走向/° 倾角/° M0/dyne·cm L×W/km2 D/m Δσ/bar 1 30 80 7.0×1026 57×20 1.38 20 2 50 80 7.0×1026 57×20 1.38 20 表 2 宁河地震(MS 6.9)参数
Table 2. The Ninghe earthquake parameters (MS 6.9)
震中位置 震源深度/km 发震时刻 走向/° 倾角/° M0/dyne·cm L×W/km2 Δσ/bar D/m 39°17′N
118°47′E17 1976-11-9
21:53330 39 8.0×1025 18×9 35 0.672 表 3 大地震子断层含子事件个数
Table 3. The mumber of sub-events in the main earthquake
子断层编号 NL NW ND 1 4 3 3 2 4 3 3 -
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