The Way To Build Resilient Urban and Rural Areas
摘要: 中国地震多发、灾害严重,迫切需要提升抗震能力,实现韧性城乡的建设。本文围绕建设韧性城乡的技术途径,梳理了工程抗震技术发展的历史沿革,阐述了韧性城乡的提出背景。基于震害类比、实验验证和理论分析,总结提炼工程结构抗震能力“散”、“脆、”偏、“单”评估法,指出应以“整而不散”、“延而不脆”、“匀而不偏”、“冗而不单”的传统抗震技术及隔震与消能减震新技术作为实现韧性城乡的技术途径。Abstract: China is an earthquake-prone country and has been suffering from serious earthquake disasters for a long time.There is an urgent need to promote earthquake resistant capacity and to build resilient urban and rural areas around the whole country.This paper focuses on technical methods for building resilient urban and rural areas, and summarizes the development of earthquake engineering."Loose, brittle, eccentric and isolated" criteria is proposed for evaluating structural seismic capacity.Effective traditional seismic design approaches as well as base isolation and damping technologies are suggested for the building up resilient urban and rural areas.
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