Activity of Tangshan Fault Based-on Monitoring Data from Tangshan Seismic Station
摘要: 本文研究了唐山地震台内的唐山断裂形变、断层活动协调比、断层土壤气CO2的变化特征。结果显示,唐山地震台内的唐山断裂近35年来整体上在水平方向呈微弱的右旋张性活动,垂直方向呈正断活动,但不同时段的运动状态有所不同;综合分析认为,唐山地震台形变和流体前兆观测对附近及华北因区域地壳应力场调整引起的中小地震有一定的显示,说明该台具有一定的前兆异常显示能力;随着观测资料和经验的持续积累,在该区域发生更大地震前,有望捕捉到更显著的前兆异常。Abstract: In this paper, the Tangshan fault deformation, the fault motion coordination ratio (FCR), and the change of the fault soil gas CO2 are presented. In the study, we found that the Tangshan fault in the Tangshan seismic station was weakly dextrorotatory in the horizontal direction in the last 35 years, and the fault was normal movement mode, but the movements varied at different times. So far, the adjustment of the crust stress field in North China caused by the Tangshan MS7.8 earthquake has not completely ended. Our results suggested that the deformation and fluid precursory observations of the Tangshan seismic station have shown certain indications of the medium-small earthquakes caused by the adjustment of regional crustal stress fields in the nearby and northern China. With the continuous accumulation of observations and experience, we hope that more pronounced precursory anomalies will be captured from the monitoring data before a larger earthquake occurs in the region.
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