Influence of Bridge Bearing to the Seismic Response of Simplified Supported Beam Bridge
摘要: 本文选取1座简支小箱梁桥,采用有限元分析软件SAP2000建立有限元模型,选择与规范反应谱频谱特性一致的实际地震记录作为输入进行时程反应分析,在墩、梁之间分别设置普通板式橡胶支座、铅芯橡胶支座和高阻尼橡胶支座,比较桥梁纵向和横向的地震反应,分析铅芯橡胶支座和高阻尼橡胶支座的减震效果,并从周期延长和能量耗散2方面分析减隔震支座的减震性能。结果表明,2种减隔震支座均可有效起到减隔震的作用,可以显著改善桥梁结构的抗震性能。Abstract: In this paper, we used finite analysis software SAP2000 to establish a finite element model of a typical multi-box girder bridge. After choosing several real seismic records which have similar spectral characteristics with response spectrum of the code as input for time-history analysis, longitudinal and lateral seismic responses were analyzed when using GJZ, LRB and HDRB respectively as bridge bearing. In this way, we can compare the damping effect of LRB and HDRB, as well as the vibration reduction performance from the aspects of prolonging the period and dissipating energy. The results indicated that two types of isolating bearing were both efficient in seismic reduction and isolation, thus they can contribute to ameliorate the seismic behavior of the whole bridge.
Key words:
- Multi-box girder bridges /
- Isolating bearing /
- Seismic response /
- Prolonging period /
- Dissipating energy
表 1 支座选型
Table 1. Alternative types of the bridge bearing
支座类型 支座型号 屈服前刚度/kN·m-1 屈服力/kN 屈服后刚度/kN·m-1 等效刚度/kN·m-1 容许位移/mm 板式橡胶支座 2×8 GYZ300 22250 22250 61 铅芯橡胶支座 2×8 Y4Q42022250 120000 976 19200 24000 75 高阻尼橡胶支座 2×8 HDR(I)295 124960 528 14720 20480 137 表 2 横桥向地震反应
Table 2. Bridge respond to transverse earthquake
支座类型 墩底剪力/kN 墩底弯矩/kN·m 支座剪力/kN 支座位移/mm 板式橡胶支座 3266.5 32065.5 3043.2 136.8 铅芯橡胶支座 2178.7 20786.2 1928.2 60.1 高阻尼橡胶支座 1775.7 16727.8 1625.2 80.5 表 3 纵桥向地震反应
Table 3. Bridge respond to longitudinal earthquake
支座类型 墩底剪力/kN 墩底弯矩/kN·m 支座剪力/kN 支座位移/mm 板式橡胶支座 3120.6 30965.5 3074.3 138.2 铅芯橡胶支座 2081.6 20332.5 1979.9 60.9 高阻尼橡胶支座 1736.5 16715.5 1642.1 81.6 表 4 振型周期比较
Table 4. Vibration period comparison
支座类型 横桥向1阶振型周期/s 纵桥向1阶振型周期/s 板式橡胶支座 1.264 1.394 铅芯橡胶支座 1.104 1.252 高阻尼橡胶支座 1.313 1.438 -
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