Stochastic Finite Fault Method and Its Engineering Applications
摘要: 随机有限断层法作为半经验半理论的地震动合成方法,综合考虑了震源、传播路径以及场地条件对地震动的影响,可在工程关注的频率范围内模拟地震动时程,为实现较大区域地震动模拟提供了一种有效的方法。本文系统阐述了随机有限断层法的基本原理、静力学拐角频率模型及动拐角频率模型的发展;分析了主要模型参数(断层尺度、破裂速度、剪切波速及应力降)、Kappa因子和介质品质因子的取值原则,并结合中国大陆的实际情况给出了相应的取值范围;最后讨论了现有模拟方法在考虑参数取值、子断层划分和子断层之间相互作用等方面的不足以及能量处理方式上的缺陷,明确了随机有限断层法发展的方向。Abstract: As a semi-empirical and semi-theoretical synthetic method of ground motion, stochastic finite fault method can comprehensively consider the impact of source, propagation path and site conditions, and can effectively simulate the seismic time history within the frequency range of engineering interest. It provides an effective means for the ground motion simulation in a large region. In this paper, the basic principle of stochastic finite fault method and the development of static corner frequency model and dynamic corner frequency model are firstly systematically expounded. Principles of the values of the major source parameters (fault size, rupture velocity, shear wave velocity, stress drop), kappa factor and Q value are analyzed. According to the actual situation in China, the corresponding range of values are provied. Finally, the shortcomings of present existing simulation methods in considering the parameter value, the interaction among sub-faults, energy treatment methods and fault division have been discussed. The development direction of stochastic finite fault method are somehow clarified.
Key words:
- Ground motion simulation /
- Stochastic finite fault method /
- Stress drop /
- Kappa factor /
- Quality factor
表 1 断层尺度与矩震级的统计关系
Table 1. Statistical relationship between the fault scale and moment magnitude
断层类型 断层长度/km 断层面积/km2 走滑断层 $ \lg L=-2.57+0.62{{M}_\text{W}} $ $ \lg S\text{=}-3.42+0.90{{M}_\text{W}} $ 正断层 $ \lg L\text{=}-1.88+0.50{{M}_\text{W}} $ $ \lg S\text{=}-2.87+0.82{{M}_\text{W}} $ 逆断层 $ \lg L\text{=}-2.42+0.58{{M}_\text{W}} $ $ \lg S\text{=}-3.99+0.98{{M}_\text{W}} $ 所有断层类型 $\lg L\text{=}-2.44+0.59{{M}_\text{W}} $ $ \lg S\text{=}-3.49+0.91{{M}_\text{W}} $ 表 2 中国大陆Q0值范围
Table 2. The range of Q0 value in Chinese mainland
区域 Q0 n 青藏高原褶皱区 200—250 0.5—0.7 松潘甘孜褶皱区 250—300 滨太平洋褶皱区 275—300 0.5—0.7 昆仑-秦岭褶皱区 275—325 塔里木地台 350—425 0.3—0.5 扬子块体 325—400 0.45—0.55 中朝块体 325—400 0.3—0.5 华南褶皱系(西高东低) 275—400 0.45—0.55 天山-兴安褶皱区 300—425 0.3—0.5 西伯利亚地台南端 450—500 0.45—0.7 注:青藏高原褶皱区包括冈底斯念-青唐古拉褶皱系、喀拉昆仑-唐古拉褶皱系和三江褶皱系;滨太平洋褶皱区包括东南沿海褶皱区、延边褶皱区和那丹哈达优地槽褶皱带;昆仑-秦岭褶皱区包括东昆仑褶皱系、秦岭褶皱系以及祁连褶皱系。 表 3 云南地区Q值公式
Table 3. The formula of calculating Q value in Yunnan Province
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