The Information Operation and Maintenance Management Platform of Earthquake Field Emergency Command Technology System Based on Android Intelligent Terminal
摘要: 地震现场应急指挥技术系统在震后救援行动中发挥着重要的通信和指挥枢纽作用,为了提升现场技术系统的运维质量,并解决目前运维时上报信息分散且不易查询的问题,本文基于C/S架构设计了1套运维信息管理平台,客户端采用手机、平板电脑等智能终端,基于Android SDK进行应用程序开发,采用轻量级文本格式JSON与服务器端进行数据交互。客户端用户登录平台后,可上报文字和图片信息,也可根据上报时间、内容、位置等关键字查询历史信息,实现了信息的汇总和共享;平台还设计了故障排查辅助、设备操作说明、演练信息发布等实用功能,数据汇集在服务器端,便于管理和考核。本系统已在山东省地震局部署应用,有效提升了地震现场工作的效率和水平。
- 地震应急 /
- 技术系统运维 /
- Android智能终端 /
- 信息管理
Abstract: Earthquake field emergency command technology system plays an important role for communication and command center in the earthquake rescue operations. In order to improve the quality of operation and maintenance of field technology system, and to solve the problem of reporting information scattered and difficult to query, based on the C/S architecture we design a maintenance information management platform. The client runs on intelligent terminals such as mobile phone and tablet computer, develops application based on Android SDK, and uses JSON to exchange data with the server side. The client user can report the text and picture information after logs in, and can also query history information according to the keywords such as reporting time, content and position, realizing the information collection and sharing. The platform also has some practical functions, such as troubleshooting, auxiliary operation, information release, etc. The data is saved on the server side, which is convenient for management and examination. The system has been deployed in Shandong Earthquake Agency, effectively improving the efficiency and level of the earthquake field work. -
表 1 运维信息数据表结构
Table 1. Information data structure
字段名 描述 类型 主键 非空字段 _id 编号 int 是 是 time 上报时间 datetime 否 是 personnel 上报人员 varchar(20) 否 是 longitude 经度 float 否 是 lattitude 纬度 float 否 是 position 上报位置 varchar(200) 否 是 weather 天气 varchar(200) 否 否 equipment 维护设备 varchar(200) 否 否 content 上报内容 varchar(1000) 否 否 pic_path 照片存储路径 varchar(200) 否 否 -
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