Prediction and Tracking Analysis of Precursory Anomalms of the Sheyang MS4.4 Earthquake from Xinyi Station
摘要: 本文总结了射阳MS 4.4地震前新沂台地电阻率、短水准资料的变化,认为:①在震前,新沂台地电阻率、短水准资料存在较为明显的地震异常;②前兆异常变化与预测地震的发震时刻、震级对应性较强。通过数据跟踪,认为造成预测地点错误的主要原因,是震前对地电阻率的对比分析结果认识不足以及对新沂台地电阻率N45°E向资料变化认识不足或错误。如能再结合测震学参数等资料进行综合分析,预测地点可能更为准确。Abstract: In this paper, we summarized variations of geo-electrical resistivity and short-leveling data in Xinyi station before the Sheyang MS 4.4 earthquake. We found that there exist obvious anomalies in geoelectrical resistivity and short-leveling before the earthquake. The precursory anomalies are corresponding well with the time and magnitude of the earthquake. By tracking the data, we found that the insufficient understanding of the comparative analysis of the geo-electrical resistivity before earthquakes, and the misunderstanding of channel N45°E of geo-electrical resistivity in Xinyi station before the earthquake, is in responsible for the failure of the correct location determination before the earthquake.
Key words:
- Sheyang earthquake /
- Geo-electrical resistivity /
- Short-leveling /
- Earthquake swarms /
- Anomaly character
表 1 射阳中强震与邻近地区震群的关系及参数统计表
Table 1. The statistical parameters and relation between moderate-strong earthquakes and swarm of the Sheyang areas
震群地点 震群起止日期 持续天数 最大震级ML 震群个数 相应的中强震 △T/d △S/km 日期 地点 震级MS 阜宁 1986.10.02—05 4 3.9 22 1987.02.17 射阳 5.1 134 85 靖江 1991.08.14—15 2 1.0 12 1991.11.05 射阳 4.7 81 180 靖江 1992.10.07—14 8 1.6 10 1992.10.22 射阳 4.7 14 180 大丰 2016.08.12—09.08 28 2.9 23 2016.10.20 射阳 4.4 42 60 射阳 2016.10.09—19 11 3.5 19 2016.10.20 射阳 4.4 1 0—10 -
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