Relationship between Near-fault Velocity Pulse and Focal Mechanism
摘要: 本文初步分析了近断层速度脉冲的成因和特点,主要包括方向性效应与滑冲效应,并通过中国台湾集集地震的脉冲记录,分析了断层破裂方向和位移大小等震源参数对脉冲强度的影响。此外,基于有限移动源理论,说明了断层辐射与速度脉冲分布的关系,并探讨了利用运动学震源模型研究近断层地震动对速度脉冲影响的技术路线;评述了7种典型的等效速度脉冲模型,建议进一步研究等效速度脉冲函数与震源机制之间的关系。最后,简述了不同类型的断层引起速度脉冲的差异,并推测了产生脉冲型地震动的下限条件,同时展望该研究在地震预警方面的可能性。Abstract: This paper preliminary analyzed the causes and characteristics of the near-fault velocity pulse, including the directivity effect and fling-step effect. The influence of source parameters, such as fault rupture direction and displacement on pulse intensity, is analyzed by using the pulse records of the Chi-Chi earthquake. Based on the theory of finite displacement source, the relationship between fault radiation and velocity pulse distribution is described, and the technical route to study the influence of near-fault ground motion on the velocity pulse by the kinematic source model is discussed. Seven typical equivalent velocity pulse models are reviewed. It is suggested to further study the relationship between the equivalent velocity pulse function and the focal mechanism. The different faults will cause differences in velocity pulses, and the lower limit condition of pulse-type ground motion is deduced. The possibility of the application in earthquake warning is expected.
图 3 剪切位错点源的P波和S波辐射图型(Hirasawa等,1965)
Figure 3. Radiation patterns of P-wave and S-wave of shear dislocation source (Hirasawa et al., 1965)
表 1 集集地震中脉冲型记录的主要参数
Table 1. Parameters of selected velocity pulses from the Chi-Chi earthquake
台站代码 纬度/°N 经度/°E 断层距/km 震中距/km 脉冲峰值/cm·s-1 脉冲周期/s TCU076 23.908 120.676 2.8 16 63.7 4 TCU075 23.983 120.678 0.9 20.7 88.4 5.1 TCU065 24.059 120.691 0.6 26.7 127.7 5.7 TCU082 24.148 120.676 5.2 36.2 56.1 9.2 TCU054 24.161 120.675 5.3 37.6 60.9 10.5 TCU049 24.179 120.69 3.8 38.9 44.8 11.8 TCU052 24.198 120.739 0.7 39.6 183.2 12 TCU056 24.159 120.624 10.5 39.7 43.5 12.9 TCU101 24.24 120.709 2.1 45.1 68.4 10 TCU060 24.225 120.644 8.5 45.4 33.7 12 TCU102 24.249 120.72 1.5 45.6 106.6 9.7 TCU068 24.27 120.765 0.3 47.9 191.1 12.2 TCU136 24.26 120.652 8.3 48.8 51.8 10.3 TCU103 24.309 120.707 6.1 52.4 62.2 8.3 TCU087 24.348 120.773 7.6 55.6 53.7 9 表 2 脉冲型地震的相关参数
Table 2. Relevant parameters of pulse-type earthquakes
地点 日期 震级MW 断层类型 震源深度/km 平均滑移/cm 脉冲记录条数 美国,圣费尔南多 1971-02-09 6.6 逆断层 13.0 58.5 1 美国,帝王谷 1979-10-15 6.5 走滑断层 10.0 30.1 15 美国,惠蒂尔峡谷 1987-10-01 6.0 斜滑断层 14.6 50.5 2 美国,洛马·普雷塔 1989-10-18 6.9 斜滑断层 17.5 108.1 2 美国,兰德斯 1992-06-28 7.3 走滑断层 7.0 242.5 3 美国,北岭 1994-01-17 6.7 逆断层 17.5 78.6 11 日本,阪神 1995-01-16 6.9 走滑断层 17.9 58.8 2 土耳其,科贾埃利 1999-08-17 7.5 走滑断层 16.0 207.2 1 中国,台湾集集 1999-09-20 7.6 逆断层 8.0 238.4 28 中国,汶川 2008-05-12 7.9 逆断层 19.0 322.2 7 -
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