Seismic Fragility Analysis of RC Frame Structure Based on Energy Balance
摘要: 基于“强柱弱梁”的屈服机制,依据能量平衡方法设计了某6层RC框架结构,采用震级-震中距条带地震动记录选取方法,选取12条随机地震动,利用Perform-3D有限元分析软件对结构进行增量动力(IDA)分析,得到了结构的地震易损性曲线、破坏状态概率曲线以及结构破坏概率矩阵。分析结果表明:该方法设计的结构能够形成预设的“强柱弱梁”屈服机制,可以保证结构中梁充分参与耗能,同时结构具有较强的抗倒塌能力,可以满足“小震不坏,中震可修,大震不倒”的性能要求。Abstract: The energy-based seismic design method of RC framed structure of the "strong column with weak beam" was proposed, and 6 layer RC frame structures were designed by selecting ground motion records using magnitude epicentral distance strips in this paper. We selected 12 ground motions and analyzed the RC frames structure through the IDA method by Perform-3D, and obtained the seismic fragility curves, failure probability curves and the structural failure probability matrices. The results showed that the structure designed by this method can form the preset "strong column with weak beam" yielding mechanism. It makes promise that the beam in the structure is fully involved in energy dissipation with strong anti-collapse capacity, not only can satisfy fully operational level under frequent earthquake and fulfill reparably operational level under rare earthquake, but also satisfy near collapse level under extremely rare earthquakes.
表 1 12条地震动记录
Table 1. Records of 12 seismic waves
地震动 台站 震级MW 震中距R/km 峰值加速度aPGA/g Northridge Beverly Hills-14145 Mulhol 6.7 13.39 0.416 Cape Mendocino Rio Dell Overpass-FF 7.1 22.64 0.549 Superstition Hills Poe Road(temp) 6.5 11.2 0.45 Loma Prieta Capitola 6.9 15.2 0.53 Duzce, Turkey Bolu 7.1 41.27 0.728 Friuli,Italy Tolmezzo 6.5 15.8 0.35 Imperial Valley Delta 6.5 22 0.35 Northridge Canyon Country-WLC 6.7 12.4 0.48 San Fernando LA-Hollywood 6.5 22.8 0.21 Superstition Hills El Centro Imp.Co. 6.5 18.2 0.36 Hector Mine Hector 7.1 11.7 0.34 Kocaeli Turkey Duzce 7.1 15.4 0.36 表 2 不同性能状态下层间位移角限值
Table 2. Definition of drift angle between layers in different performance states
正常使用 基本可使用 修复后使用 生命安全 倒塌 [θ]≤1/550 1/550<[θ]≤1/220 1/220<[θ]≤1/100 1/100<[θ]≤1/50 [θ]>1/50 表 3 楼(屋)面荷载、结构构件参数
Table 3. Roof load and sizes of main structural members
楼层 柱/mm×mm 梁/mm×mm 恒载/kN·m-2 活载/kN·m-2 1-3 600×600 300×600 5.5 3.5 4-5 500×500 250×500 5.5 3.5 6 500×500 250×500 6.5 0.5 表 4 结构破坏概率矩阵
Table 4. Damage probability matrix of the structure
地震水准${S_a}({T_1}, \xi)$/g 性能水平/% 正常使用 基本可使用 修复后使用 生命安全 倒塌 能量方法设计 规范设计 能量方法设计 规范设计 能量方法设计 规范设计 能量方法设计 规范设计 能量方法设计 规范设计 多遇地震 87.39 86.6 12.61 13.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 设防地震 12.19 9.18 61.15 54.73 19.92 26.79 6.31 8.61 0.43 0.69 罕遇地震 1.2 0.76 20.82 13.59 18.89 20.8 55.97 60.62 3.12 4.23 -
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