Analysis of Influence of Parameters of Reducing Measures on the Effect of Reducing Dislocation on Tunnels Crossing Stick-slip Faults
摘要: 为提高黏滑断层隧道的结构安全性和稳定性,对黏滑断层隧道设置不同缝宽减错缝、不同刚度减错层的减错效果进行研究。研究结果表明:断层黏滑错动对上盘隧道的影响远大于下盘;减错缝对上盘部分隧道结构的减错效果优于下盘,其中上盘减错效果最大为24.50%,下盘减错效果最大为9.26%;减错层对下盘部分隧道结构的减错效果略优于上盘,其中下盘减错效果最大为105.32%,上盘减错效果最大为78.07%;随着减错缝宽度的增加,隧道上盘减错效果变好,下盘缝宽10—15cm减错效果最好;随着减错层弹性模量的增加,隧道上下盘减错效果降低,当减错层弹性模量增加到一定程度(约100MPa),减错效果趋于稳定。研究成果可为黏滑断层隧道的减错结构设计及施工提供参考。Abstract: In order to improve the safety and stability of tunnels structure with crossing stick-slip fault, we study the technology on the effect of reducing dislocation by setting different width of reducing dislocation gap and different stiffness of reducing dislocation layer on tunnels with crossing stick-slip fault. The results shows that, the effect of stick-slip fracture movement on hanging wall is larger than that on footwall; the reducing dislocation effect of reducing dislocation joints on the hanging wall of tunnel structure is better than that on footwall, which the maximum effect of the hanging wall is 24.50% and the maximum of the footwall is 9.26%. The reducing dislocation effect of reducing dislocation layer on the footwall of tunnel structure is slightly better than that on hanging wall, which the maximum effect of the footwall is 105.32% and the maximum effect of the hanging wall is 78.07%. With the increase of the width of the reducing dislocation gap, the reducing dislocation effect of the hanging wall is better improved, and the footwall width of 10~15cm is mostly improved. With the increase of the elastic modulus of the reducing dislocation layer, the reducing dislocation effect of the tunnel is reduced, and when the elastic modulus of the reducing dislocation layer is increased to a certain extent (about 100MPa), the reduction dislocation effect tends to be stable. The research results can provide a reference for the structural design and construction of reducing dislocation on the tunnel with crossing stick-slip faults.
表 1 计算模型参数
Table 1. Parameters of calculation model
参数 重度/kN·m-3 弹性模量/MPa 泊松比 黏聚力/MPa 内摩擦角/° 围岩 20 15000 0.40 0.10 24 C25喷射混凝土 22 23000 0.20 C25模注混凝土 25 28000 0.20 减错缝 6 10 0.45 减错层 10 0—2000 0.45 表 2 计算工况
Table 2. Calculation condition
工况 计算内容 备注 1 无减错措施 2 施设减错缝 缝宽分别为:5cm、10cm、15cm、20cm 3 施设减错层 弹模分别为:2.5MPa、5MPa、10MPa、20MPa、50MPa、100MPa、200MPa、500MPa、1000MPa、2000MPa 表 3 监测断面最大轴力(单位:kN)
Table 3. Maximum axial force of monitoring section (unit: kN)
工况 距断层距离/m -22 -10 -2 2 10 22 34 无减错措施 -6468 -9754 -14884 -13376 -13341 -9551 -3702 缝宽10cm -5917 -9133 -14857 -13395 -12558 -8646 -3153 注:距断层距离正值为上盘,负值为下盘,其它同理。 表 4 监测断面最大弯矩(单位:kN·m)
Table 4. Maximum bending moment of monitoring section (unit: kN·m)
工况 距断层距离/m -22 -10 -2 2 10 22 34 无减错措施 -60.2 -142.1 -217.6 -185.0 -121.9 -45.1 -126.7 缝宽10cm -61.3 -140.2 276.1 -200.5 -127.7 48.5 -116.6 表 5 监测断面最小安全系数
Table 5. Minimum safety factor of monitoring section
工况 距断层距离/m -22 -10 -2 2 10 22 34 无减错措施 1.933 1.282 0.840 0.935 0.937 1.309 3.377 缝宽10cm 2.112 1.326 0.841 0.933 0.995 1.446 3.964 表 6 监测断面最大轴力(单位:kN)
Table 6. Maximum axial force of monitoring section (unit: kN)
工况 距断层距离/m -21 -11 -2 2 11 21 32 无减错措施 -6515 -10663 -17049 -14062 -12114 -7572 -3777 减错层弹模(2.5MPa) -5557 -7014 -8375 -8981 -8490 -6154 -3788 表 7 监测断面最大弯矩(单位:kN·m)
Table 7. Maximum bending moment of monitoring section (unit: kN·m)
工况 距断层距离/m -21 -11 -2 2 11 21 32 无减错措施 -78.5 -155.9 -218 -187.2 -100.3 -46.8 -35.9 减错层弹模(2.5MPa) -173.4 -269 -254.1 -217.1 -108.0 -59.3 -42.7 表 8 监测断面最小安全系数
Table 8. Minimum safety factor of monitoring section
工况 距断层距离/m -21 -11 -2 2 11 21 32 无减错措施 1.919 1.172 0.733 0.889 1.032 1.651 3.310 减错层弹模(2.5MPa) 2.455 1.798 1.505 1.583 1.592 2.031 3.399 -
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