Design and Application of Jiangsu Earthquake Emergency Disaster Information Reporting System Based on 12322 Platform
摘要: 通过分析地震应急救援工作中对灾情信息的需求,提出了“地震应急灾情”的概念,设计了基于12322平台的江苏省地震应急灾情速报系统。本文详细介绍了该系统的设计框架、基本功能和应用效果。系统主要包括短信和微信两大模块,短信模块主要面向非地震系统人员,通过手机短信形式向社会灾情速报员发送灾情邀请短信,灾情速报员只需简单回复灾情代码“1”—“4”即可。微信模块主要面向地震系统工作人员,通过微信企业号“苏震12322”自动推送地震信息并完成灾情收集工作。经过近1年的试运行,系统能够在震后迅速完成灾情信息的收发与数据处理工作,并以“天地图”为地理底图实时直观地展示已上报的灾情信息。Abstract: By analyzing the demand for disaster information in earthquake emergency rescue work, we proposed the concept of "earthquake emergency disaster information". Then we designed the Disaster Information Reporting System, Jiangsu Earthquake Emergency based on 12322 public platform. In this paper, we introduced the framework design, basic functions and application effects of the system in details. The system consists of SMS and WeChat modules. This system can complete the work of data transmission, reception and procession of the disaster information after the earthquake quickly. The reported disaster information can be displayed on the map.
表 1 常见错误分析
Table 1. Common error analysis
上报失败信息示例 错误分析 江苏·连云港·东海县·山左口乡·北古寨村:1 未按规定格式回复,应为:“1东海县山左口乡” 灌云圩丰镇无震感 未按规定格式回复,应为:“1灌云县丰镇” 通州区石港镇1 未按规定格式回复,应为:“1通州区石港镇” 1,南通外向型农业综合开发区(如东) 不符合回复规范,应有区县名、乡镇名 -
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