Assessment of Distribution of Earthquake Emergency Shelters of Community—A Case of Changxindian in Beijing
摘要: 社区作为城镇基本单元,也应是防震减灾的基本单元,而针对社区级人口时空差异性分布模型的紧急地震应急避险场所的评价研究,目前却鲜有开展。为此,本文运用地理信息科学中的空间分析技术,采用具有时空差异性的社区人口分布模型,提出了一套评估社区级地震应急避险场所分布合理性的方法,并以此对北京丰台区长辛店地区进行了合理性评估。结果显示在夜晚时间段,研究区内地震应急避险场所完全可以满足区内最大人口避险需求,但在白天工作时间段,部分小区存在地震应急避险场所的需求缺口。因此,建议依据社区实际人口分布规律增强对现有地震应急避险场所的管理,增加其有效面积,并重视新小区的地震应急避险场所规划。Abstract: As the basic unit of the city, the community should be the basic unit of earthquake preparedness and emergency rescue. However, no much research on the evaluation of the actual population distribution characteristics of the community has been conducted before. Here, we propose a method of assessing the rationality of community-level urgent earthquake emergency shelters based on the population distribution model with time and space differences by using spatial technology in geographic information science. Taking the Changxindian area in Fengtai district of Beijing as an example, our results suggest that the present earthquake emergency shelters satisfy the maximum population needs at the night period, but there exists a certain degree of gap between the shelters' capacity and the population density during the working hours at some communities. Therefore, more attention should be paid on the management of effective areas of current earthquake emergency shelters, and constructing more shelters in those new resident communities.
图 7 B区应急避险场所服务区覆盖住宅区和工作区情况(a)及容量不满足服务区人口需求的应急避险场所分布图(b)
Figure 7. (a) Residential area and work area covered by service area of all earthquake emergency shelters in the Area B, (b) residential area and work area covered by service area of earthquake emergency shelters with shortage of capacity in the Area B
图 8 B区应急避险场所最邻近区覆盖住宅区和工作区情况(a)及容量不满足最邻近区人口需求的应急避险场所分布图(b)
Figure 8. (a) Residential area and working area covered by the nearest neighborhood area of all earthquake emergency shelters in the Area B, (b) residential area and working area covered by the nearest neighborhood area of earthquake emergency shelters with shortage of capacity in the Area B
表 1 容量不满足最邻近区人口需求的地震应急避险场所
Table 1. Earthquake emergency shelters with shortage of capacity to the need in their nearest neighborhood area
应急避险场所名称 类型 面积/m2 容纳量/人 最邻近服务区面积/m2 最邻近服务区最大人口需求/人 应急避险场所需扩充的面积/m2 长辛店二小操场 操场 1070 713 284453 3357 3966 长辛店七小操场 操场 1334 889 84050 2027 1707 长辛店一小操场 操场 1780 1186 303273 1725 809 长铁培训学校空地 空地 4225 2816 272454 3160 516 北京十中分校操场 操场 5685 3790 284625 3953 245 西后街空地 空地 4733 3155 377299 3316 242 注:容纳量根据避险场所的总体面积计算,即容纳量=面积÷1.5m2/人。 -
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