Application of 3D Imaging Technique in Basic Data Investigation of Disaster Bearing Body—A Case of Turpan City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
摘要: 承灾体基础数据是地震灾害评估的核心数据,是制定防灾减灾政策的基础,具有十分重要的地位。数据获取主要靠野外调查,费时费力,研究承灾体数据的快速获取方法刻不容缓。本文以新疆维吾尔自治区吐鲁番市主城区为例,对三维影像技术在承灾体基础数据调查中的应用进行了研究,以无人机倾斜摄影测量数据为基础,运用三维模型构建、遥感信息提取与地理信息系统空间分析方法,进行区域房屋基础数据信息提取,获取了研究区真实房屋空间分布、结构类型、建筑面积及层数等数据,为该地区地震预测预防、地震应急、震时救灾以及震后恢复等防震减灾工作服务。Abstract: The basic data of disaster bearing body is the core data of earthquake disaster assessment, and is the foundation of the policy-making in disaster prevention and mitigation. In past data acquisition was mainly based on field investigation, which is time-consuming and laborious. So it is important to develop the method of rapid acquisition of disaster bearing body data. Taking Turpan city as an example, we studied the application of 3D imaging technique in the basic data investigation of disaster bearing body. In this paper, based on oblique photogrammetric data of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), 3D model construction, RS information extraction and GIS spatial analysis methods are applied to extract the basic information of regional houses. Then the spatial distribution, structure type, building area and number of stories of the buildings are obtained. The above data is essential for the regional earthquake disaster mitigation, such as earthquake prediction and disaster prevention before earthquake, emergency management and disaster relief after earthquake.
Key words:
- 3D model /
- UAV /
- Remote sensing /
- Disaster bearing body /
- Turpan
表 1 本研究方法获取房屋数据的优点
Table 1. The advantages of our approach in obtaining housing data
比较项 行业专项方法(野外+统计+算法) 本研究方法(遥感信息提取) 效果 格网图 真实空间信息 精度 估算值 测绘级精度 数据呈现 不能完全展示所有要素 全要素展现 数据类型 估算格网数据 属性+影像 制作周期 效率低、周期长 效率高、周期短 制作成本 成本高 成本相对低 表 2 建筑物提取精度评价
Table 2. Accuracy evaluation of buildings
评价区域 Aauto/m2 Amanual/m2 Acommon/m2 TC/% TF/% 1 1213 1128 1081 95.79 11.73 2 1230 1228 1159 94.36 5.81 3 959 938 889 94.77 7.43 4 922 790 774 98.02 18.70 5 925 873 853 97.71 8.20 6 961 946 903 95.45 6.09 7 1752 1373 1157 84.24 43.34 8 5586 4665 4085 87.57 32.17 9 2086 1673 1379 82.45 42.25 10 5242 4806 3631 75.54 33.52 表 3 调查区建筑物提取精度评价(单位:幢)
Table 3. Accuracy evaluation of buildings of the investigation area (unit:building)
房屋类型(调查) 房屋类型(解译) A B C D E 合计 A 0 19 0 0 0 19 B 0 479 0 0 0 479 C 0 0 170 0 0 170 D 0 0 0 126 0 126 E 0 0 0 3 4 7 合计 0 498 170 129 4 801 表 4 研究区各结构类型建筑物面积统计表
Table 4. Statistics of areas of various structure types buildings in the study area
房屋类型 建筑数量 占地总面积/m2 建筑总面积/m2 A 41 9267 9267 B 1396 350982 350982 C 408 115608 213960 D 799 722360 3460573 E 155 166987 414601 F 11 14600 306044 G 42 3407 6813 总计 2852 1383211 4762240 -
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