Study on Attenuation Law of Co-seismic Deformation Waves Based on Instruments
摘要: 基于黔江台2套倾斜仪记录到的442次同震形变波,对比分析其波谱特征,分区域统计其振幅A与震级M的关系。研究发现:①垂直摆的震动周期和阻尼系数均较小,其波谱信息记录较丰富,适合波谱的时频分析;水管仪的基线较长,阻尼系数较大,抗干扰能力较强,其振幅记录较稳定,适合能量衰减分析;②垂直摆与水管仪的A-M关系均呈指数关系,随着震中距的增加,曲线的拟合程度增强,且指数系数b与lna呈负线性相关;③衰减因子k是用来量化同震形变波能量衰减的主要系数,它随着震中距(△≤6000km)增加而增大,且各区域的衰减因子具有一定规律性,对后期建立巨大远震触发型地震模型及其参数设置具有一定指示意义。Abstract: For 442 co-seismic deformation waves recorded by two sets of inclinometers in Qianjiang station, we conducted comparison and analysis on the spectrum features, and the statistics relationship between amplitude A and magnitude M. The results are as follows:① Vertical pendulous, with smaller vibration period and damping coefficient, which can record abundant spectral information, is suitable for the time-frequency analysis for spectrum. Water-tube tilt, with longer baseline, bigger damping coefficient, and higher anti-interference capacity, which amplitude record is relatively stable, is suitable for analysis of energy attenuation. ② The amplitude-magnitude relationship is exponential, and the fitting degree of A-M curve increases with the epicenter distance. Whereas the index coefficient b is inversely proportional with the lna. ③ The coefficient (k) is the main factor used to quantify the energy attenuation of co-seismic deformation waves, and the earthquakes in different areas are with different attenuation coefficients that increase with the epicenter distance (△ ≤ 6000km). The above results are of significance for constructing model of the earthquake induced by huge earthquake, as well as for determining its parameter settings.
表 1 不同研究区域振幅
Table 1. Amplitude-magnitude relationship in different study regions
地区 构造环境 △/km Mic Nc/个 Mis Ns/个 中国川滇地区及邻区 板块挤压环境 约600 4 56 4 48 中国东海-中国台湾地区 板块俯冲环境 约1800 5.1 29 5.2 25 日本岛弧地区 板块俯冲环境 约2800 5.6 58 5.6 62 印度尼西亚地区 板块挤压环境 约4000 5.4 68 5.5 67 所罗门群岛地区 板块挤压环境 约5000 6 29 6 44 秘鲁-智利地区 板块俯冲环境 约18000 6.2 36 6.2 31 注:△为震中距;Mi为最小震级;N为地震记录数;c表示垂直摆;s表示水管仪。 表 2 不同研究区域的拟合参数
Table 2. The fitting parameters in different tectonic regions
区域 ln $ {{a}_{\text{c}}}$ bc Rc2 kc $ \text{ln}{{a}_{\text{s}}}$ bs Rs2 ks 中国川滇及邻区 -0.37 0.68 0.29 0.98 -8.52 1.78 0.76 1.79 中国台湾-中国东海 -10.82 2.20 0.62 1.34 -10.82 2.11 0.75 1.85 日本岛弧 -11.51 2.08 0.75 1.93 -10.82 2.12 0.80 1.92 印度尼西亚 -12.72 2.27 0.78 2.14 -12.72 2.43 0.81 2.01 所罗门群岛 -18.42 2.95 0.80 2.84 -15.42 2.62 0.83 3.09 秘鲁-智利 -13.12 2.15 0.82 3.44 -12.72 2.33 0.88 3.20 注:a、b为拟合参数;R2为拟合方差;k为衰减因子;c表示垂直摆;s表示水管仪。 -
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