Spatio-temporal Evolution of MS ≥ 5.0 Earthquakes in the Capital Region
摘要: 本文对1880年以来首都圈5级以上地震的时空特征进行分析,认为首都圈地区5级以上地震活动存在10年左右的周期性,地震发生有自西向东迁移的特征且这一迁移具有轮回性。目前,首都圈地区处于发震的时间节点上,根据迁移性和轮回性认为未来首都圈东部地区发生5级以上地震的可能性较大。Abstract: Based on the analysis with the times and space factors of MS ≥ 5.0 earthquakes in the capital region since 1880, we found that the seismic activity of the region is of periodic in about ten years. The seismic activity moved from east to west and the process is reincarnation. At present, since the capital region is in the time node of an earthquake there is a high probability of earthquake occurrence in the eastern part of the capital region based on the above migration and reincarnation pattern of seismic activity.
Key words:
- The capital region /
- Earthquake /
- Time-space evolution /
- Activity
图 2 首都圈地区分区示意图(断层邓起东等,2003)
Figure 2. The zoning map of the capital region
表 1 首都圈地区MS≥5.0地震活动分区表
Table 1. Seismicity zones of MS≥5.0 earthquakes in the capital region
序号 主震参数 地震间隔/a 分区 时间 纬度/°N 经度/°E 震级/MS 地点 1 1880-09-06 39.70 118.70 5.0 河北滦县 8 东区 2 1888-06-13 38.50 119.00 7.5 渤海湾 23 东区 3 1911-01-25 39.80 114.50 5.9 河北蔚县 12 西区 4 1923-09-14 39.40 115.80 5.5 河北新城 11 中区 5 1934-10-27 39.90 119.20 5.0 河北抚宁 11 东区 6 1945-09-23 39.50 119.00 6.2 河北滦县 12 东区 7 1957-01-01 40.50 115.50 5.0 河北涿鹿 10 西区 8 1967-03-27 38.51 116.50 6.3 河北河间 9 中区 1967-07-28 40.55 115.55 5.4 河北怀来 西区 9 1976-07-28 39.63 118.18 7.8 河北唐山 15 东区 10 1991-05-30 39.50 118.20 5.1 河北唐山 8 东区 1995-10-06 39.80 118.50 5.0 河北唐山 东区 1998-01-10 41.10 114.30 6.2 河北张北 西区 1999-03-11 41.20 114.60 5.6 河北张北 西区 11 2006-07-04 38.90 116.25 5.1 河北文安 中区 -
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