Crustal Velocity Model of the Shaanxi Region
摘要: 本文以陕西地震台网2009年1月—2014年4月地震观测报告数据为基础,并在前人对该区域地壳速度模型研究成果的基础上,依据地震、爆破及塌陷的震相速度拟合曲线与折合走时曲线等结果,确定初始模型及扰动范围。再采用Hyposat定位程序对地震资料进行“试错”,最终确定了可供台网日常使用的地壳速度模型及各层的波速比结果,最后对模型进行了对比检验。结果表明:2015模型比1985模型的定位走时残差小,震中位置偏差减小,确定的实测爆破地震位置参数更准确。2015模型较1985模型更符合陕西地区的地质构造特征。Abstract: Based on previous studies of the crustal velocity model in the Shaanxi area, we reviewed the seismic curve of "phase velocity fitting curve" of earthquake, and determined blasting and collapse, the initial model and the disturbance range via the seismic observation data of Shaanxi Digital Seismic Network from January 2009 to April 2014. And then, the Hyposat locating program is used to test and verify the seismic data. Finally, the crustal velocity model and the wave velocity ratio of each layer are determined for the daily use of the network. Comparison of the results from different models shows that the 2015 model has smaller residual error and epicentral difference than the 1985 model. The basic parameters of the measured blasting for the 2015 model are also relatively accurate. Therefore, the 2015 model is better in application in the geological structure characteristics of the Shaanxi region than the 1985 model.
Key words:
- Crustal velocity model /
- 1985 model /
- 2015 model
表 1 3种情况下速度稳定性
Table 1. Velocity stability in three cases
VPg/km·s-1 VSg/km·s-1 VPn/km·s-1 VSn/km·s-1 随区域增大 速度范围 6.07—6.08 3.53—3.56 7.05—7.80 3.98—4.46 平均速度 6.08 3.55 7.43 4.22 不同区域范围
(150km)速度范围 6.03—6.12 3.53—3.61 7.05—8.18 3.98—4.63 平均速度 6.08 3.57 7.62 4.30 不同区域范围
(200km)速度范围 5.94—6.10 3.54—3.60 7.05—8.14 4.12—4.62 平均速度 6.02 3.57 7.60 4.37 表 2 陕西1985地壳速度模型
Table 2. Crustal velocity model of Shaanxi Province in 1985
VP/km·s-1 VS/km·s-1 H/km 5.90 3.44 16 6.50 3.70 24 7.95 4.55 表 3 初始模型
Table 3. Initial model
地壳分层 VP/km·s-1 扰动范围/km·s-1 H/km 扰动范围/km 上地壳 6.09 5.8—6.1 24 16—24 下地壳 6.67 6.4—6.8 15 上地幔 7.99 7.8—8.1 38—42 表 4 2015地壳速度模型
Table 4. Crustal velocity model in 2015
地壳分层 P波速度/km·s-1 S波速度/km·s-1 厚度/km 上地壳 6.09 3.58 24 下地壳 6.67 3.83 15 莫霍面 7.99 4.46 表 5 不同速度模型的实测爆破定位结果
Table 5. Positioning results of measured blasting with different velocity models
发震时刻 纬度/°N 经度/°E 深度/km 与实测震中差/km 残差/s 说明 01:40:14.523 34.81 109.39 实测结果 01:40:14.090 34.81 109.37 1 1.94 0.497 1985模型 01:40:15.400 34.81 109.39 1 1.14 0.321 2015模型 -
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