Analysis on Mechanism of Dujiangyan Earthquake Swarm in the Vicinity of Zipingpu Reservoir
摘要: 2008年2—4月,位于汶川大震初始破裂点的紫坪铺水库附近发生了一系列的小震活动,它们与汶川地震和紫坪铺水库小震的关系值得研究。本文采用CAP方法,反演了紫坪铺水库7个专用数字地震台站的数据,得到震级大于ML 1.0的28个震源机制解。结果表明:有19个地震事件集中在紫坪铺水库东南方向的都江堰附近,最大地震为逆冲型,发震机制为逆冲型带走滑分量,少量带正断层分量;从深度剖面看,地震震源深度主要集中分布在地下13km附近区域,都江堰震群丛集在前山断裂带上,其它地震散布在中央断裂带上;发震最大主压应力方向随时间的变化具有从最大主压应力方向变化比较大到趋向一致的演化过程。这些现象说明龙门山断裂带在都江堰附近存在1个凸凹体,形成应力集中点,引发都江堰震群活动,由此迫使龙门山断裂带前山断裂发生逆冲性活动,从而加剧了龙门山断裂带中央断裂的活动,在一定程度上加速了汶川地震的发生。Abstract: A series of small earthquakes occurred in the vicinity of Zipingpu Reservoir at the beginning of the Wenchuan earthquake from February to April, 2008 and their relationship with the Wenchuan earthquake and the small earthquakes of the Zipingpu reservoir is worth studying. In this paper, the digital seismic data of seven special seismic stations of the Zipingpu reservoir are analyzed by using the CAP method, and 28 focal mechanisms with magnitude greater than ML1.0 level are obtained. The results show that 19 of these earthquakes are concentrated in the southeast of the Zipingpu Reservoir near Dujiangyan, in which the maximum earthquake is the thrust type, and the others are thrust with strike-slip and normal faulting. The focal depth of the earthquake is mainly distributed at the area above 13km depth, and the Dujiangyan earthquake swarm is concentrated in the front mountain fault zone, the other earthquakes are scattered on the central fault zone. In the change of the maximum main compressive stress direction over time, the change from the maximum main compressive stress direction is great and the trend is consistent. These evidences suggest that there is a convex and concave body in the Longmen mountain fault zone near Dujiangyan, which forms the stress concentration area. When the Dujiangyan earthquake swarm occurred to force the thrust of the Longmenshan fault, it intensified the activity of the central fault of the Longmenshan fault zone and accelerated the occurrence of the Wenchuan earthquake to some extent.
表 1 紫坪铺小台网基本情况
Table 1. The details of stations used in the study
台站名称 台站代码 纬度/°N 经度/°E 八角台 BAJ 30.98 103.41 白岩台 BAY 30.92 103.47 桂花树台 GHS 31.09 103.56 灵岩寺台 LYS 31.03 103.61 庙子坪台 MZP 31.03 103.53 桃子坪台 TZP 31.07 103.46 钻洞子台 ZDZ 30.98 103.55 表 2 研究区域一维速度模型
Table 2. Crustal velocity model in the study area
深度/km P波速度/km·s-1 S波速度/km·s-1 0 4.8 2.8 5 5.8 3.4 12 6.2 3.6 20 6.4 3.7 35 6.6 3.8 表 3 库区ML 1.0以上地震的震源机制参数
Table 3. The focal mechanism parameters of earthquakes with magnitude greater than ML 1.0 in the reservoir area
发震时间 发震地点 深度/km 震级/ML 节面Ⅰ 节面Ⅱ P轴 T轴 N轴 经度/°E 纬度/°N 走向
/°滑动角/° 走向
/°滑动角/° 走向
/°200802081609 103.603 30.977 11.4 1.13 191 61 -38 302 57 -145 155 46 247 2 339 44 200802100657 103.469 31.017 7.5 1.06 294 42 81 126 49 98 210 3 91 83 301 6 200802142134 103.654 30.945 13.3 1.849 355 49 -30 106 68 -135 329 47 226 11 126 41 200802142312 103.589 30.976 12.6 2.41 203 74 12 110 78 164 157 3 66 20 255 70 200802142336 103.598 30.981 12.8 1.397 204 80 19 111 71 169 336 6 68 20 231 69 200802142349 103.612 30.987 14.7 2.974 231 51 51 103 53 128 167 1 76 61 258 29 200802142350 103.597 30.978 13.2 2.958 36 85 -1 126 89 -175 351 4 261 3 138 85 200802150026 103.606 30.969 13.5 1.938 211 83 -1 301 89 -173 166 6 76 4 309 83 200802150043 103.611 30.971 13.5 1.303 214 66 22 115 70 154 165 3 73 32 259 58 200802150054 103.602 30.975 13.4 2.297 80 66 51 323 45 145 197 12 304 52 98 35 200802150615 103.605 30.977 13.1 1.03 5 58 -39 118 58 -141 331 49 62 0 152 41 200802150658 103.621 30.97 12.9 1.436 211 76 16 117 74 165 344 1 74 21 251 69 200802151624 103.602 30.968 13 1.201 33 90 1 303 89 180 168 1 258 1 32 89 200802151626 103.605 30.976 13.2 1.273 202 75 12 109 78 165 156 2 65 19 253 71 200802151637 103.608 30.969 13.4 1.145 35 78 1 305 89 168 351 8 259 9 120 78 200802181216 103.628 30.949 11.1 2.058 331 81 -14 63 76 -171 287 16 18 3 119 73 200802201131 103.615 30.965 13.2 2.125 339 66 -15 75 76 -155 299 27 206 7 102 62 200802201708 103.615 30.965 13.2 2.125 251 36 -1 342 89 -126 221 35 102 34 342 36 200802201824 103.374 30.92 2.8 1.246 251 36 -1 342 89 -126 221 35 102 34 342 36 200802212038 103.606 30.97 13.3 1.928 335 52 -79 137 39 -104 291 79 57 6 148 9 200802221649 103.432 30.956 3.8 1.001 268 84 -6 359 84 -174 223 8 133 0 43 82 200802270257 103.601 30.976 12.4 1.06 208 76 10 116 80 166 162 3 71 17 262 73 200803060843 103.461 31.08 9.6 1.055 146 90 2 56 88 180 281 1 11 1 147 88 200803062010 103.358 30.953 7.4 1.834 277 69 13 182 78 158 231 6 138 24 334 65 200803062028 103.536 30.919 16 1.205 81 55 50 317 51 133 198 2 292 58 107 32 200803081416 103.358 30.936 2.1 1.292 300 46 66 153 49 113 227 2 132 73 317 17 200804041034 103.43 30.967 9.4 1.228 261 75 2 170 88 165 217 9 125 12 343 75 200804131633 103.395 31.074 9.6 1.319 309 64 19 210 73 153 261 6 168 31 1 58 -
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