The Current Movement Characters of Main Faults Surrounding the Namcha Barwa Syntaxis
摘要: 本文基于南迦巴瓦构造结周边16个宽频带地震台的观测波形数据,对地震事件进行相关分析,使用MSDP软件进行多台定位,编制了研究区内的地震目录,并利用CAP方法获得了研究区内主要断裂带两侧10km范围内M 3.0以上地震的震源机制解,用于分析主要断裂带的现今运动特征。研究结果表明:研究区内的地震活动受主要断裂带的控制;墨脱断裂带现今运动主要为左旋逆冲运动;米林断裂带以左旋正断运动为主;嘉黎断裂带以右旋逆冲为主,兼有左旋和正断运动;阿帕龙断裂带以右旋逆冲运动为主;边坝-达木新生断裂带运动以右旋逆冲运动为主,兼有正断和左旋运动;各主要断裂带的现今运动特征与地质和GPS观测结果相同,表明南迦巴瓦构造结周边地区主要断裂带的现今运动主要受阿萨姆构造结俯冲作用的控制。Abstract: In order to obtain the characteristics of the current movement for the main faults, a catalog of earthquake was derived from 16 seismographs located around the Namcha Barwa syntaxis with correlation analysis via the MSDP software, and the focal mechanism of M ≥ 3.0 earthquakes occurred within 10km from the main faults was derived with the CAP method. The results show that earthquake activity in the study area was mainly controlled by the main faults. The Mêdog fault zone is mostly sinistral strike-slip with thrusting component. The Mainling fault zone is dominated by sinistral strike-slip with normal component. The Lhari fault zone is dominated by dextral strike-slip with thrusting component, accompanying sinistral strike-slip and normal movement. The Apalong fault zone is dominated by dextral strike-slip with thrusting component. The Banbar-Damu new fault zone is dominated by dextral strike-slip with thrusting component, accompanying normal movement and sinistral strike-slip. The above characteristics of movement are in accordance with the geology and GPS observation data, which shows that the movement of main fault zones surrounding the Namcha Barwa syntaxis is mainly controlled by the Assam syntaxis subduction.
表 1 墨脱断裂带两侧10km范围内地震震源机制解与断裂现今运动性质
Table 1. The focal mechanism solution within 10 km from both sides of the Mêdog fault zone and its current movement characteristics
发震日期 纬度/°N 经度/°E 深度/km 震级 节面Ⅰ 节面Ⅱ 断裂现今运动性质 滑动角/° 倾角/° 走向/° 滑动角/° 倾角/° 走向/° 20160205 28.41 93.51 20 3.8 101 31 17 83 60 184 逆冲运动 20171009 28.91 94.91 32 3.7 -96 79 214 -62 13 63 正断运动 20170110 28.94 94.75 30 3.9 -32 22 111 -109 79 231 正断运动 20170110 28.94 94.73 20 3.6 -10 51 249 -141 82 345 左旋走滑 20160227 28.95 94.82 20 3.2 109 48 41 70 45 194 左旋逆冲 20160730 28.99 94.76 20 3.7 19 36 203 124 79 97 左旋走滑 20080416 29.30 95.37 8 3.0 -51 85 294 -172 39 31 右旋走滑 20080109 29.26 95.18 10 1.4 129 34 94 67 64 230 左旋逆冲 20080519 28.83 94.70 8 1.6 165 31 303 60 82 46 左旋逆冲 20081101 28.89 94.76 11 2.5 48 86 204 174 42 110 左旋逆冲 20090101 29.00 94.88 10 1.9 141 84 42 8 51 137 左旋走滑 20090119 29.26 95.27 8 2.6 159 84 116 7 66 208 左旋走滑 -
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