A Preliminary Study on Building Basic Information Database of Urban Buildings by Using Internet Data
摘要: 本文介绍了一种利用互联网数据建设更新城市房屋基础信息数据库的简便方法,并通过实例对实现的基本步骤进行了介绍。其基本步骤为:采集互联网城市房屋信息数据并与地图数据有效融合,可快速地获得城市住宅类房屋的基础数据,将互联网街景地图、遥感卫星图片与专家经验识别相结合,可有效提取大多数公共事业类房屋基础数据,再辅以必要的现场调查补充核实数据,初步建立城市房屋基础信息数据库;采集目标区不同期次的互联网地图进行叠加对比,定位地图中的显著变化区,开展针对性的补充调查,及时更新数据库。通过该方法可高效快捷地建立城市房屋基础信息数据库,并能够实现数据库的持续更新,这为其他城市房屋基础信息数据库的建设提供了一种有益的参考。需要说明的是,数据采集受到互联网数据本身准确度、可靠度及完整度的客观制约,由此建立的数据库其精度受到一定限制。Abstract: A new method for establishing and updating urban building database is proposed in the paper. First, basic information of residential building is directly extracted and effectively compromised with map from internet, and combined street view map and remote sensing photographs with expert experiences. Second, basic information of public and institution buildings were distinguished for those which could not be obtained from internet directly. Third, the data was supplemented and verified by on-site investigation, then a database would be established. Lastly, downloading maps of investigation area in different periods, and superimposing and comparing these maps, then the significant changes area is located where some supplementary investigations would do, a primary urban buildings database would be updated regularly. According to the case study of building database establishment in Heping district in Tianjin, we found that the method is convenient and very effective and can be updated periodically. It is a good reference for establishment of basic information database of other cities. It is very important to note that due to limitation of the integrity, reliability and details of data for internet, the accuracy of database is largely affected.