Design of Adaptation Software for Seismic Precursor Data Acquisition
摘要: 为解决地震前兆非标准仪器的统一接入问题,本文对地震前兆台网设备异构性进行了分析,提出一套完整的地震前兆数据采集适配软件设计方案,并从采集、存储、传输3个主要软件模块描述了关键技术设计。Abstract: In order to solve the unified access problem of seismic precursory nonstandard equipment, we analyzed the heterogeneity of seismic precursor network equipment. And then, a complete set of seismic precursor data acquisition and matching software design scheme is proposed and the key technology design is described from three main software modules of acquisition, storage and transmission.
Key words:
- Precursor observation network /
- Data acquisition /
- Adaptation /
- Device heterogeneous /
- Serialization /
表 1 基于NIO和传统BIO的传输程序性能对比
Table 1. Comparison of transmission performance based on NIO and BIO
属性 数据大小/GB 读写耗时/ms NIO 1.43 8497 BIO 1.43 30092 对比 100.00% 28.24% 表 2 字符串编解码与Protostuff序列化性能对比
Table 2. Performance comparison of string codec and protostuff serialization
属性 数据大小/KB 编码耗时/ms 解码耗时/ms 字符串编码 3628 53 69 Protostuff 2531 4 4 百分比 69.76% 7.55% 5.80% -
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