Structural Characteristics and Seismic Capacity Analysis of Rural Buildings in the Southeast of Qinghai Province
摘要: 我国农村民居的抗震能力具有显著的地域特点。本文基于现场调研结果总结了青海东南部黄河流域农村民居的结构特点,并对其抗震能力进行了评估。庄廓院是调研区内的典型农村民居,本文对调研区内庄廓院的木构架房屋进行研究,提出庄廓土墙围护木构架房屋的震害等级分类标准,根据实际震害资料和类比的方法确定了当地土墙围护木构架结构的震害矩阵和震害指数与峰值加速度的关系曲线。与云南鲁甸农村的土木结构房屋比较,青海庄廓院民居具有更高的抗震能力;与未设防的砖混结构比较,这种土墙围护的木构架结构在高烈度区造成人员伤亡的风险更低。Abstract: The anti-seismic capacity of rural buildings in China is of significant regional characteristics. Based on the investigation, this paper summarizes the structural characteristics and evaluates the seismic capacity of rural buildings in the Yellow River Basin in southeastern of Qinghai. Zhuangkuo folk house is a typical rural building in the research area. Through the investigation on the wooden frame structures in the rural buildings, we put forward to earthquake damage classification of the wooden frame structures with earth walls in Zhuangkuo folk house. According to the actual damage information, earthquake damage matrix of the wooden frame structures with earth walls in Zhuangkuo folk house by analogy and the relationship are determined between the earthquake damage index and the peak acceleration. Compared with the civil structure houses in the rural buildings of Ludian in Yunnan province, rural buildings have relative high anti-seismic capacity in Qinghai Province. The wooden frame structures with the earth wall are at a lower risk of casualties than the unfortified brick-concrete structures under the high-intensity condition.
表 1 调研区及地区破坏性地震情况一览表
Table 1. List of destructive earthquakes in the research area and the whole region
地点 时间 震级 震中烈度 青海托索湖西 1937.01.07 7.5 Ⅹ 青海阿兰克湖 1963.04.19 7.0 Ⅷ+ 青海共和 1990.04.26 6.9 Ⅸ 青海玛沁 1999.11.26 5.0 Ⅵ 青海玉树 2010.04.14 7.1 Ⅺ+ 青海门源 2016.01.21 6.4 Ⅷ 青海杂多 2016.10.17 6.2 Ⅶ 表 2 庄廓土墙围护木构架结构震害等级分类
Table 2. Earthquake damage classification of the wooden frame structures with earth walls
震害等级 震害描述 基本完好 木构架结构完好,或庄廓院墙轻微开裂,不加修理可继续使用。 轻微破坏 木构架结构出现轻微移位,庄廓院墙有明显裂缝,土墙体局部有少量崩塌,不需要修理或稍加修理即可继续使用。 中等破坏 木构架出现可见移位,庄廓院墙酥裂,裂缝严重,屋顶局部出现滑塌等,需要一般修理后可使用。 严重破坏 木构架移位较严重,木构架出现歪斜、部分断裂,庄廓院夯土院墙局部倒塌,房屋的围护土墙体酥裂、修复困难。 毁坏 木构架严重倾斜折断,房屋濒于崩溃或已倒毁,庄廓院夯土围墙倒塌、已无修复可能。 表 3 庄廓土墙围护木构架结构震害矩阵(%)
Table 3. Earthquake damage matrix of the wooden frame structures with earth walls
破坏等级 地震烈度 Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ 基本完好 60 41 10 0 0 轻微破坏 32 30 22 8 0 中等破坏 8 22 42 38 20 严重破坏 0 7 20 42 50 毁坏 0 0 6 12 30 震害指数 0.096 0.197 0.412 0.582 0.73 表 4 未设防砖混结构的标准震害矩阵(%)
Table 4. Standard earthquake damage matrix of unfortified brick-concrete structures
破坏等级 地震烈度 Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ 基本完好 77 51 13 4 0 轻微破坏 22 29 25 9 0 中等破坏 1 16 36 20 9 严重破坏 0 4 20 52 40 毁坏 0 0 6 15 51 震害指数 0.048 0.15 0.394 0.612 0.826 表 5 云南地区土木结构的震害矩阵(%)(1992—2008年模型)
Table 5. Earthquake damage matrix of civil structures in Yunnan province (the model in 1992—2008)
破坏等级 地震烈度 Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ 基本完好 68.96 38.59 6.91 0 中等破坏 29.8 53.61 65.41 40.9 毁坏 1.24 7.8 27.68 59.1 震害指数 0.132 0.292 0.538 0.755 表 6 地震动峰值加速度与地震烈度对照表
Table 6. Comparison of earthquake peak acceleration and earthquake intensity
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