The Spatial and Temporal Scanning of the b-value in the Western and Mid-western Section of the Zhangjiakou-Bohai Fault Belt
摘要: 张家口-渤海断裂带作为华北平原地区重要的活动断裂带,地震活动频繁,是我国地震监测预测重点区域之一。本文选取该断裂带西段及中西段1970-2016年的地震目录,采用最大似然法进行时间扫描,分析显示研究区b值为0.28-1.52,其随时间变化的特点是在大地震发生前降至最低,震后逐渐恢复;研究区空间扫描结果显示,该区b值的平均值为0.93,其中怀安-万全盆地北缘断裂和蓟运河断裂平均b值较低,反映该区域应力水平较高。综合以上结果,本次研究揭示出研究区地震危险性的时间和空间差异,为对研究区地震危险性评价提供基础数据。
- b值 /
- 张渤断裂带西段及中西段 /
- 地震危险性
Abstract: The Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault belt, as one of the important active faults in North China, as well as earthquake-prone area, becomes one of the crucial region to monitor the earthquake activities in China. In this paper we select the western and mid-western section of the Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault belt as the study region, and apply the maximum likelihood as calculating method to conduct analysis of earthquake catalogue during 1970-2016. The temporal analyses indicate that the seismic b-value ranges from 0.28 to 1.52 and drops to the lowest before the great earthquake and gradually recovers after the earthquake. The spatial analyses illustrate that the b-value shows 0.93 in average, and that in the lower average b-value region, such as north rim fault of the Huai'an-Wanquan basin and Jiyunhe fault shows stronger regional stress level. The spatiotemporal characteristic analyses of the b-value, indicates that the degree of seismic risk varies in time and space in the study area. Our results provide basic data for seismic hazard assessment for the Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault belt. -
表 1 研究区地震数据统计结果(据国家地震前兆台网中心测定)
Table 1. The statistical seismic data of the study area
震级/ML 1.0-1.9 2.0-2.9 3.0-3.9 4.0-4.9 5.0-5.9 6.0-6.9 7.0-7.9 8.0-8.9 频数/个 4315 2688 378 188 23 3 1 0 震源深度/km 0-0.9 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-61 频数/个 2200 593 2631 1132 603 289 130 18 表 2 研究区ML≥5.0的地震序列(据国家地震前兆台网中心测定)
Table 2. The earthquake sequence data (ML≥5.0)of the study area
日期(年-月-日) 时间 北纬/° 东经/° 震源深度/km ML 参考地点 2006-07-04 11:56 38.89 116.28 20 5.5 河北文安县 1999-03-11 21:18 41.16 114.39 5.5 河北张北县 1998-01-10 11:50 41.10 114.31 10 6.2 河北尚义县 1990-07-21 08:41 40.58 115.83 8 5.0 北京延庆县 1988-07-23 13:51 40.08 114.22 5.0 河北阳原县 1983-04-03 10:16 40.75 114.78 20 5.1 河北万全县 1980-02-07 13:31 39.52 117.90 5.2 天津宁河县 表 3 研究区主要活动断裂和平均b值
Table 3. The main active faults and the average b-value of the study area
编号 断裂名称 平均b值 长度
/km产状 断裂性质 平均滑动速率/mm·a-1 最新活动时代 走向 倾向 倾角 F1 张家口断裂 0.80 70 NNW SE 60° 正断层 >0.1 Q3 F2 新保安-沙城断裂 0.76 32 NWW SW 50°—70° 正断层 0.2 Q4 F3 南口-孙河断裂 0.78 58 NWW SW,NE 70° 正断层 0.3 Q4 F4 夏垫断裂 0.78 23 NE SE 50°—70° 正走滑 Q4 F5 永定河断裂 0.78 26 NW SW,NE 70°—75° 正走滑 Q2 F6 廊坊-武清断裂 1.02 50 NW SW 正断层 Q3 F7 蓟运河断裂 0.68 50 NW SW 70° 正断层 Q4 -
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