Preliminary Study on Geometry Structure and Activity Features of Luo' erling-Tudiling Fault in Late Quaternary
摘要: 落儿岭-土地岭断裂是东大别地区重要的发震构造,然而限于自然地理条件等因素,前人对其的研究并不充分。本文以发生多次中强地震的落儿岭-土地岭断裂为研究对象,在高精度卫星影像解译的基础上,通过详细的野外地质地貌调查,尤其是对典型断层剖面进行分析,研究落儿岭-土地岭断裂的断错地质地貌特征、几何结构及活动特征。通过野外调查并结合其他资料分析认为落儿岭-土地岭断裂为发育于大别造山带内部的一条走向NE、向NW陡倾的断裂带。依据地质地貌特征及地震活动性,断裂可以划分为杨树沟-黑石渡段和黑石渡-横塘岗乡段两个几何段落。断裂最新活动时代为中更新世晚期-晚更新世早期,断裂最新活动继承了中生代以来的运动方式,以兼具右旋走滑的拉张正断为主。Abstract: Luo' erling-Tudiling fault is one of the most important seismogenic structures in east Dabie region. However, there has been no sufficient research on this fault due to its geographical location and natural conditions. Based on interpretation of high-resolution satellite images and detailed field investigation, we take Luo' erling-Tudiling fault as our research object and conduct a systematical study on its geological and geomorphic features, geometry structure and activity features. By field survey and analysis of other related data, we conclude that Luo' erling-Tudingling fault was developed within the Dabie Orogen, stretching northeastward with a deep dip angle to the northwest. According to geological and geomorphic characteristics and seismic activity, this fault is mainly composed two segments, the southern one of which starts from Yangshugou and extends to Heishidu while the northern one stretches from Heishidu to Hengtanggan Town. This study confirmed that Luo' erling-Tudingling fault had experienced multiple extensional normal faulting during middle Mesozoic. Dominated by normal faulting with a certain amount of dextral strike-slip component, its latest activity occurred in early period of late Pleistocene.
Key words:
- Luo' erling-Tudingling fault /
- Typical profile /
- Geometry structure /
- Kinematic features /
- Faulting era
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