College of Information Science and Technology, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
摘要: 针对震后废墟中无法精确检测出电磁波的传输特性问题,本文提出了一种在震后废墟中Wi-Fi信号场强的检测方法。首先是对Wi-Fi信号场强在组成震后废墟主要介质中的传输特性进行检测推导。然后通过测量在废墟不同距离下场强的大小,即可推导出废墟下电磁波的场强与传输距离的关系,最后得出场强在震后废墟中的传输模型。实验表明,该传输模型的计算结果准确度高,对震后废墟中电磁波传输特性的检测具有重要意义。Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the electromagnetic wave transmission characteristics can not be detected accurately in the ruins of the earthquake, this paper presents a method to detect the field strength of the Wi-Fi signal in the ruins after earthquake. Firstly, the transmission characteristics of the Wi-Fi signal field strength of the main components of the inhomogeneous medium is obtained. Then, by measuring the magnitude of the field strength at different distances in the inhomogeneous medium, the relationship between the transmission distance and the electromagnetic wave in the inhomogeneous medium can be deduced. Finally, we can develop the transmission model of the field strength in the inhomogeneous medium. The experiments show that the calculated results of the transmission model are of high accuracy. It is greatly significant for the detection of electromagnetic wave transmission characteristics in the ruins of the earthquake.
Key words:
- Transmission characteristics /
- Field strength /
- Earthquake rescue /
- Inhomogeneous medium /
- Wi-Fi
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