Design, Development and Implementation of the Modular Urban Earthquake Disaster Risk Assessment System
摘要: 本文为满足不同用户对于地震灾害风险评估功能的需求,在对地震灾害风险评估成果进行分析整理的基础上,研究设计、开发并实现了由一系列通用功能模块组成的模块化地震灾害风险评估系统。在设计阶段确定了各模块的功能、所需数据及其相互关系,分割出一系列高内聚低耦合的功能模块;在此基础上确定系统使用MEF插件式开发框架,以功能模块为单位进行软件开发,形成多个具有特定功能、互相独立的工具包;使用WPF技术对该系统平台进行开发,通过整合各功能模块,最终形成多模块灵活组合调用、满足不同用户需求的城镇地震灾害风险动态评估系统。Abstract: In order to meet the requirements of different users for different earthquake disaster risk assessment functions, based on the analysis results of earthquake disaster risk assessment, we developed a modular earthquake disaster risk assessment system which consists of a series of modules with general functions. In the design phase, the function of each module and its relationship with other modules were determined, and a series of necessary functional modules with high cohesion and low coupling were designed. On this basis, the MEF plug-in development framework was used and the software was developed, in order to form a number of independent toolkits with specific functions. The WPF technology was adopted to develop the system platform and integrate all the modules. Finally, an urban earthquake disaster risk dynamic assessment system which can select and combine modules flexibly to meet the needs of different users was implemented.
Key words:
- Earthquake disaster /
- Risk assessment /
- Modular system /
- System development
表 1 模块依赖关系
Table 1. Module dependency relation
类型 模块 依赖模块 依赖项 地震危险性分析 地震活动性 地震地质构造 危险性分析结果 震害风险与评估 设定地震 建筑物震害分析 设定地震 地震动参数 人员伤亡评估 建筑物震害分析 建筑物震害分析数据 经济损失评估 建筑物震害分析 建筑物震害分析数据 辅助决策分析 地震应急预案 物资供应分析 人员伤亡评估 人员伤亡评估数据 医疗救援分析 人员伤亡评估 人员伤亡评估数据 地震灾情报告 设定地震
医疗救援分析各功能模块分析数据 系统管理 用户管理 模块管理 -
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