Research of Urban Earthquake Emergency Rapid Assessment System
摘要: 随着城镇化水平的快速提高,地震灾害高风险区域城镇数量不断增加,城镇人口密度增大,加剧了城镇地震灾害的风险。然而县市防震减灾工作部门大多对城镇地震应急的科技支撑能力薄弱,如缺乏专门的技术平台及时对地震灾情进行有效的评估等,影响了当地地震应急的成效。本文针对县市防震减灾工作部门在城镇地震应急快速评估工作中存在的问题,以国家可持续发展实验区丹棱县为例,设计并构建了城镇地震应急快速评估系统,为城镇地震应急快速评估提供了技术平台,可提升县市防震减灾工作部门的地震应急工作科技含量和管理服务能力。Abstract: With the rapid development of urbanization, town quantity and population density in earthquake disaster high-risk areas increasing constantly, which increases the earthquake disaster risk of urban. However, most county departments are lack of technical support ability for urban earthquake emergency, such as in lack of specialized technical platform for earthquake disaster effectively in time and so on, so that affecting the results of local earthquake emergency. In this paper, we aim at rapid assessment problems in urban earthquake emergency work, taking Danling County in the national sustainable development experimental area as an example, we design and build the urban earthquake emergency rapid assessment system. This system is capable of providing a technology platform for urban earthquake emergency rapid assessment, and promoting the content of science and technology in earthquake emergency work and management service ability for county department.
Key words:
- Urban /
- Earthquake emergency rapid assessment /
- System design /
- Danling county
表 1 系统开发运行硬件环境
Table 1. System develop and operate hardware environment
序号 类别 设备名称 1 服务器 数据库服务器 2 应用服务器 3 客户端 笔记本电脑 4 PC计算机 表 2 系统开发运行软件环境
Table 2. System develop and operate software environment
序号 类别 设备名称 1 数据库 SQLServer 2 中间件 ActiveMQ 3 ArcGis Arcgis Engine 4 操作系统 windows server2008 5 开发平台 Eclipse, Visual Studio 2010 6 建模工具 starUML -
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