• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


徐超 温增平

徐超, 温增平. 不同设防标准RC框架结构基于易损性分析的抗震性能评估[J]. 震灾防御技术, 2017, 12(4): 845-857. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20170413
引用本文: 徐超, 温增平. 不同设防标准RC框架结构基于易损性分析的抗震性能评估[J]. 震灾防御技术, 2017, 12(4): 845-857. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20170413
Xu Chao, Wen Zengping. Seismic Performance Evaluation of RC Frames with Different Seismic Precautionary Intensity Based on Vulnerability Analysis[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2017, 12(4): 845-857. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20170413
Citation: Xu Chao, Wen Zengping. Seismic Performance Evaluation of RC Frames with Different Seismic Precautionary Intensity Based on Vulnerability Analysis[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2017, 12(4): 845-857. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20170413


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20170413

国家科技支撑计划 2015BAK18B01

国家自然科学基金 51408561

中国地震局地球物理研究所基本科研业务费专项 DQJB15C05

中国地震局地球物理研究所基本科研业务费专项 DQJB17C04


    徐超, 男, 生于1983年。助理研究员。主要从事地震工程方面的研究。E-mail:xuchao@cea-igp.ac.cn

Seismic Performance Evaluation of RC Frames with Different Seismic Precautionary Intensity Based on Vulnerability Analysis

  • 摘要: 借助非线性动力时程分析,对严格按照规范Ⅶ、Ⅷ、Ⅸ度设计的5个三跨6层钢筋混凝土框架结构开展易损性分析,建立了基于峰值加速度的易损性曲线。从易损性的角度对不同设防标准RC框架结构的抗震性能做了定量评价,并探讨了设防标准对RC框架结构易损性的影响。分析表明,对应于设防小震、中震及大震水平的峰值加速度,结构“小震不坏”、“中震可修”和“大震不倒”的失效概率均在18%以内,可认为结构满足三水准的性态控制目标。随着结构设防标准的提高,其易损性随之降低,相同峰值加速度对应的各个破坏状态的超越概率均有所降低。此外,将框架结构的设防烈度提高1度,其“大震不倒”的失效概率会明显减小。而将框架结构的设防烈度降低1度,其“大震不倒”的失效概率会显著增加,最高可达4倍。
  • 图  1  概率地震需求模型

    Figure  1.  Probabilistic seismic demand model

    图  2  结构平立面简图

    Figure  2.  Plane and elevation of the structures

    图  3  不同设防标准框架结构基于峰值加速度的易损性曲线

    Figure  3.  PGA based vulnerability curves of RC frames with different seismic precautionary intensity

    图  4  不同设防标准框架结构易损性曲线的比较

    Figure  4.  Comparison of vulnerability curves of RC frames with different seismic precautionary intensity

    表  1  不同破坏状态对应最大层间位移角的统计参数

    Table  1.   Statistic parameters of θmax for different damage states

    破坏状态 轻微破坏 中等破坏 严重破坏 毁坏
    层间位移角均值($ {\mu _{{\theta _{\max }}/{\rm{DS}}}}$) 1/350(0.00286) 1.10θy 1/80(0.0125) 1.11θu
    变异系数($ {\delta _{{\theta _{\max }}/{\rm{DS}}}}$) 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38
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    表  2  输入地震动记录的基本信息

    Table  2.   Basic details of input ground motion records

    地震事件 发生年 台站名 MW Rrup/km Vs30/m·s-1 PGA/g PGV/cm·s-1
    Imperial Valley-06 1979 Calipatria Fire Station 6.53 24.6 205.8 0.078 13.3
    Imperial Valley-06 1979 Chihuahua 6.53 7.3 274.5 0.27 12.422
    Imperial Valley-06 1979 Compuertas 6.53 15.3 274.5 0.186 6.913
    Imperial Valley-06 1979 El Centro Array #1 6.53 21.7 237.3 0.14 15.844
    Imperial Valley-06 1979 El Centro Array #12 6.53 17.9 196.9 0.116 21.809
    Imperial Valley-06 1979 El Centro Array #13 6.53 22 249.9 0.139 12.978
    Imperial Valley-06 1979 Niland Fire Station 6.53 36.9 207.5 0.109 11.872
    Imperial Valley-06 1979 Plaster City 6.53 30.3 345.4 0.111 17.794
    Imperial Valley-06 1979 Parachute Test Site 6.53 12.7 348.7 0.057 5.388
    Imperial Valley-06 1979 Westmorland Fire Sta 6.53 15.2 193.7 0.11 21.891
    Loma Prieta 1989 Agnews State Hospital 6.93 24.6 239.7 0.172 25.94
    Loma Prieta 1989 Capitola 6.93 15.2 288.6 0.443 29.217
    Loma Prieta 1989 Coyote Lake Dam (Downst) 6.93 20.8 295 0.16 13.039
    Loma Prieta 1989 Gilroy Array #3 6.93 12.8 349.9 0.367 44.665
    Loma Prieta 1989 Gilroy Array #4 6.93 14.3 221.8 0.212 37.861
    Loma Prieta 1989 Gilroy Array #7 6.93 22.7 333.9 0.226 16.404
    Loma Prieta 1989 Halls Valley 6.93 30.5 281.6 0.134 15.403
    Loma Prieta 1989 Hollister Diff. Array 6.93 24.8 215.5 0.279 35.569
    Loma Prieta 1989 Palo Alto -SLAC Lab 6.93 30.9 425.3 0.194 37.448
    Loma Prieta 1989 Salinas -John & Work 6.93 32.8 271.4 0.112 15.68
    Loma Prieta 1989 Sunnyvale -Colton Ave. 6.93 24.2 267.7 0.207 37.278
    Northridge-01 1994 Arcadia -Arcadia Av 6.69 39.7 308.6 0.104 7.316
    Northridge-02 1994 Baldwin Park -N Holly 6.69 48 308.6 0.123 8.17
    Northridge-03 1994 Canoga Park -Topanga Can 6.69 14.7 267.5 0.42 60.688
    Northridge-04 1994 Downey – Birchdale 6.69 48.9 245.1 0.171 8.126
    Northridge-05 1994 Elizabeth Lake 6.69 36.5 234.9 0.109 8.961
    Northridge-06 1994 Glendale -Las Palmas 6.69 22.2 446 0.206 7.386
    Northridge-07 1994 LA -Centinela St 6.69 28.3 234.9 0.322 22.866
    Northridge-08 1994 LA -Fletcher Dr 6.69 27.3 446 0.24 26.219
    Northridge-09 1994 LA -N Faring Rd 6.69 20.8 405.2 0.273 15.805
    Northridge-10 1994 LA -Pico & Sentous 6.69 31.3 270.2 0.186 14.234
    Northridge-11 1994 LA -Saturn St 6.69 27 308.7 0.475 34.478
    Northridge-12 1994 LA -Univ. Hospital 6.69 34.2 376.1 0.214 10.76
    Northridge-13 1994 La Crescenta -New York 6.69 18.5 446 0.159 11.276
    Northridge-14 1994 Lawndale -Osage Ave 6.69 39.9 361.2 0.153 7.953
    San Fernando 1971 LA -Hollywood Stor FF 6.61 22.8 316.5 0.174 14.849
    Superstitn Hills 1987 Brawley Airport 6.54 17 208.7 0.156 13.896
    Superstitn Hills 1987 Calipatria Fire Station 6.54 27 205.8 0.247 14.544
    Superstitn Hills 1987 Plaster City 6.54 22.2 345.4 0.186 20.619
    Superstitn Hills 1987 Poe Road (temp) 6.54 11.2 207.5 0.446 35.711
    Mammoth Lakes-03 1980 Convict Creek 5.91 12.5 338.5 0.233 20.87
    Coalinga-05 1983 Oil Fields Fire Station-Pad 5.77 11.1 376.1 0.228 19.228
    Coalinga-05 1983 Oil Fields Fire Station-Pad 5.77 11.1 376.1 0.228 19.228
    Coalinga-05 1983 Oil Fields Fire Station-FF 5.77 11.1 376.1 0.224 15.186
    Coyote Lake 1979 Gilroy Array #2 5.74 9 270.8 0.154 12.307
    Coalinga-05 1983 Skunk Hollow 5.77 11 376.1 0.376 16.287
    N. Palm Springs 1986 Cabazon 6.06 11.8 345.4 0.231 6.732
    Chalfant Valley-01 1986 Zack Brothers Ranch 5.77 6.4 271.4 0.219 19.829
    Coalinga-05 1983 Palmer Ave 5.77 12.3 376.1 0.271 13.581
    Morgan Hill 1984 Halls Valley 6.19 3.5 281.6 0.314 39.555
    Coyote Lake 1979 Gilroy Array #3 5.74 7.4 349.9 0.251 18.407
    Mammoth Lakes-02 1980 Convict Creek 5.69 9.5 338.5 0.178 12.168
    Mammoth Lakes-06 1980 Convict Creek 5.94 12.2 338.5 0.299 16.084
    Mammoth Lakes-03 1980 Long Valley Dam (Upr L Abut) 5.91 18.1 345.4 0.184 10.932
    Whittier Narrows-01 1987 Pasadena -CIT Calif Blvd 5.99 17.3 370.8 0.286 14.891
    Mammoth Lakes-01 1980 Mammoth Lakes H. S. 6.06 4.7 370.8 0.227 9.796
    Whittier Narrows-01 1987 Pasadena-Brown Gym 5.99 17.3 370.8 0.156 12.408
    Whittier Narrows-01 1987 Whittier Narrows Dam upstream 5.99 14.7 298.7 0.293 14.33
    N. Palm Springs 1986 Desert Hot Springs 6.06 6.8 345.4 0.329 26.931
    Whittier Narrows-01 1987 Pasadena-CIT Indust. Rel 5.99 17.3 370.8 0.235 13.181
    Whittier Narrows-01 1987 San Marino-SW Academy 5.99 15.9 379.4 0.201 12.585
    Coalinga-05 1983 Burnett Construction 5.77 11.5 352.2 0.268 13.665
    Whittier Narrows-01 1987 Pasadena-CIT Lura St 5.99 17.3 370.8 0.32 17.333
    Mammoth Lakes-02 1980 Mammoth Lakes H. S. 5.69 9.1 370.8 0.421 25.405
    Kocaeli-Turkey 1999 Goynuk 7.51 31.7 424.8 0.132 9.512
    Kocaeli-Turkey 1999 Iznik 7.51 30.7 274.5 0.098 15.338
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 CHY050 7.62 44.8 432.9 0.098 9.458
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 CHY088 7.62 37.5 366.2 0.145 16.995
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 HWA011 7.62 53.2 241.7 0.092 22.133
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 HWA015 7.62 51.1 334.6 0.108 12.907
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 HWA016 7.62 52.2 344 0.096 10.994
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 HWA027 7.62 51.6 282.9 0.1 13.502
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 HWA028 7.62 53.8 241.7 0.123 18.227
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 HWA031 7.62 51.5 473 0.094 21.591
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 HWA033 7.62 53.2 395.6 0.167 16.93
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 HWA034 7.62 44.3 379.2 0.133 12.019
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 HWA037 7.62 46.2 476.9 0.108 13.64
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 HWA059 7.62 49.1 421.6 0.139 16.403
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 TCU015 7.62 49.8 426 0.118 36.352
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 TCU033 7.62 40.9 423.4 0.19 37.92
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 TCU034 7.62 35.7 393.8 0.231 43.03
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 TCU098 7.62 47.7 229.7 0.107 32.349
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999 TCU113 7.62 31.1 230.3 0.07 26.891
    Imperial Valley-06 1979 Calexico Fire Station 6.53 10.4 231.2 0.263 21.203
    Loma Prieta 1989 Gilroy Array #4 6.93 14.3 221.8 0.345 35.751
    Northridge-01 1994 LA-Wadsworth VA Hospital South 6.69 23.6 413.8 0.419 38.356
    Coalinga-01 1983 Pleasant Valley P.P.-yard 6.36 8.4 257.4 0.59 60.061
    Loma Prieta 1989 Gilroy-Historic Bldg. 6.93 11 338.5 0.254 21.899
    Northridge-01 1994 LA-Brentwood VA Hospital 6.69 22.5 416.6 0.188 18.137
    Chi-Chi-Taiwan-06 1999 TCU072 6.3 13 468.1 0.077 9.332
    Imperial Valley-06 1979 Parachute Test Site 6.53 12.7 348.7 0.135 16.573
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    表  3  小震、中震及大震对应的峰值加速度(单位:g)

    Table  3.   PGA values corresponding to small, moderate and large earthquake (unit: g)

    Ⅶ度0.1g Ⅶ度0.15g Ⅷ度0.2g Ⅷ度0.3g Ⅸ度0.4g
    小震 0.036 0.054 0.072 0.108 0.144
    中震 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.4
    大震 0.225 0.324 0.405 0.54 0.756
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    表  4  小震、中震及大震水准地震作用下结构各个破坏状态的超越概率

    Table  4.   Exceeding probability of different damage states under small, moderate and large earthquake

    设防标准 地震作用水准 峰值加速度/g 超越概率
    轻微破坏 中等破坏 严重破坏 毁坏
    Ⅶ(0.1g) 小震 0.036 0.96 0.03 0 0
    中震 0.1 33.06 6.45 1.04 0.03
    大震 0.225 86.8 51.5 22.56 3.07
    Ⅶ(0.15g) 小震 0.054 3.36 0.11 0.01 0
    中震 0.15 59.03 15.4 3.69 0.13
    大震 0.324 96.37 70.83 41.31 7.42
    Ⅷ(0.2g) 小震 0.072 8.66 0.24 0.02 0
    中震 0.2 81.26 27.88 8.74 0.3
    大震 0.405 99.27 83.42 57.96 11.75
    Ⅷ(0.3g) 小震 0.108 15.86 0.43 0.03 0
    中震 0.3 92.18 41.54 14.25 0.36
    大震 0.54 99.75 88.08 62.68 9.77
    Ⅸ(0.4g) 小震 0.144 15.1 0.3 0.01 0
    中震 0.4 95.37 48.33 17.13 0.31
    大震 0.756 99.96 95.06 77.14 14.75
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    表  5  结构三水准性态控制目标的失效概率

    Table  5.   Failure probabilities of the three performance targets

    失效概率/% Ⅶ度0.1g Ⅶ度0.15g Ⅷ度0.2g Ⅷ度0.3g Ⅸ度0.4g
    小震不坏 0.96 3.36 8.66 15.86 15.1
    中震可修 1.04 3.69 8.74 14.25 17.13
    大震不倒 3.07 7.42 11.75 9.77 14.75
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    表  6  大震峰值加速度对应的结构的倒塌概率(%)

    Table  6.   Collapse probability of RC frames corresponding to PGA (%) of large earthquake

    0.225 0.324 0.405 0.5 0.756
    Ⅶ(0.1g) 3.07 12.07 22.87 42.42 67.53
    Ⅶ(0.15g) 1.44 7.42 16.08 34.26 61.02
    Ⅷ(0.2g) 0.65 4.65 11.75 29.03 57.55
    Ⅷ(0.3g) 0.04 0.61 2.41 9.76 30.93
    Ⅸ(0.4g) 0 0.05 0.34 2.6 14.75
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