Multi-level Information Communication Function of Social Media after the Jiuzhaigou MS7.0 Earthquake in Sichuan Province
摘要: 本文以“社交媒体多层次信息流”为概念框架,分析了四川九寨沟7.0级地震发生后,个人、当地的组织、宏观层面的主流媒体使用社交媒体所发挥的作用。通过对微博的数据进行挖掘分析,总结出地震灾害发生后社交媒体所具有的5项功能:人际之间的交流,地方政府、本土组织以及当地媒体的传播渠道,大众传媒信息发布的渠道,信息的收集和分享,微观、中观以及宏观各主体间沟通的渠道。在强震发生后社交媒体有巨大的传播潜力,本文的研究成果对未来大震发生后如何利用社交媒体来应对灾害有一定的借鉴意义。Abstract: Based on the "social media multi-level flow" as the conceptual framework, we analyzed the roles of the mainstream media, individual local organizations, the macro level in social media after the Jiuzhaigou MS7.0 earthquake. After analysed the data of the tweets from Sina-Weibo, we summed up five functions of social media:the interpersonal communication; information from local government, local organizations and local media communication channels; mass media information dissemination channels; information collection and sharing; micro, meso and macro the main communication channel. Social media has great potential impact after a strong earthquake, and can be used to respond more effectively during earthquake emergency in the future.
Key words:
- Disaster /
- Earthquake /
- Multi-level /
- Social media /
图 1 社交媒体多层次功能概念模型(Jung等,2014)
Figure 1. Multi level functional conceptual model of social media (after Jung et. al, 2014)
表 1 基础数据列表
Table 1. The list of basic data
信息层级 信息来源 信息内容 数据量 微观 “中国地震台网速报”九寨沟地震速报微博 用户评论 近10万条 中观 30余个微博账号震后72小时数据 粉丝增长数、微博发布数、微博影响力等 近万条 宏观 人民日报、新华社、央视新闻权威媒体微博 粉丝增长数、微博发布数、微博影响力等 3大主流媒体震后72小时数据 -
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