Application of Remote Sensing Technology of UAV in the Acquisition of Earthquake Disaster in Pishan, Xinjiang
摘要: 2015年07月03日,新疆维吾尔自治区和田地区皮山县(37.6°N,78.2°E)发生MS6.5级地震,震源深度10km。本文利用高性能无人机数据采集平台获取灾区高分辨率影像数据,结合地震现场震害调查建立建筑物震害遥感解译特征,采用人工目视解译完成了灾区6个0.01°×0.01°格网评估区房屋类型及损毁程度应急遥感调查,获取测区地震灾情信息。结果表明:测区内房屋结构类型主要包括土木、砖木、砖混结构;倒塌房屋主要为土木结构及个别老旧砖木结构房屋,倒塌和局部倒塌的土木结构房屋占评估区土木结构房屋总数的68%,倒塌和局部倒塌的砖木结构房屋占评估区砖木结构房屋总数的12%;测区砖混结构房屋局部倒塌1间,未倒塌228间,砖混结构显示出良好的抗震性能,对避免人员伤亡和减少经济损失起到重要作用。Abstract: On July 3, 2015, an earthquake (MS6.5) occurred near Pishan county (37.6°N, 78.2°E), Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. The focal depth is 10km. In this paper, we use high performance UAV data acquisition platform to obtain the high resolution image data in disaster areas, and establish the remote sensing characteristic features of earthquake disaster based on the field investigation of earthquake damage, and then we use the method of artificial visual interpretation to investigate the building type and the building damage extent in six 0.01°×0.01° degree grid assessment districts to access the earthquake disaster information. The results revealed that the building structure types in the survey area mainly include civil structure, brick-wood structure and brick-concrete structure. The collapse building types mainly include civil structure buildings and individual old brick-wood structure buildings. The collapse and partial collapse of the civil structure building accounted for 68% of the total number of civil structures, and the collapse and partial collapse of the brick-wood structures building accounted for 12% of the total number of brick-wood structures in the assessment area. There is only one brick-concrete structure building collapsed and 228 did not collapse. Brick-concrete structure buildings show good anti-seismic performance and play the important role in avoiding casualties and reducing economic loss by the earthquake.
Key words:
- UAV /
- Remote sensing /
- Pishan Earthquake /
- Disaster
表 1 遥感影像数据相关参数表
Table 1. Parameters of the remote sensing image data
平台 时间 相机 航高 投影 航向重叠度 旁向重叠度 相机焦距 单张影像像素数 像素尺寸 无人机低空影像采集平台 2015年7月6日 SONY 348m UTM45WGS84
坐标系80% 70% 35mm 6000×4000 59mm 表 2 皮山地震灾情遥感应急调查主要房屋类型及其典型影像
Table 2. Major building types and their typical images from the disaster remote sensing emergency investigation of Pishan earthquake
类型 主要描述 影像特征 典型影像 土木结构 包含笆子墙结构、土坯结构等 形状多样,屋顶边缘不十分规整,可见锯齿状外延房梁 砖木结构 包含老旧砖木与2008年后新建砖木结构 形状规则,多为长方形,屋顶边缘整齐,部分房屋可见锯齿状外延房梁 砖混结构 包含农村新建建筑,城镇公用房屋等 形状规则,多为长方形,屋顶边缘整齐,无外延木质房梁 表 3 皮山地震灾情遥感应急调查主要破坏类型及其解译标志
Table 3. Major damage types and their image features for the disaster remote sensing emergency investigation of Pishan earthquake
类型 主要描述 影像特征 典型影像 形态 色调 纹理 倒塌 分布于农村大部分区域,主要为土木结构房屋 无承重结构及面状屋顶,杂乱无章 白色、灰色和黑色相互夹杂 影像结构不均一 局部倒塌 分布在农村大部分区域,主要为土木结构房屋和少量老旧砖木结构房屋 房屋四角边界较清晰,具有面状屋顶且有部分缺损 灰白色,破损部分与整体色调反差较大 影像结构较为均一 未倒塌 主要为新建建筑,分布在道路两侧及城镇附近 房屋四角边界清晰,具有面状屋顶且无缺损 灰白色、红色及蓝色完好屋顶 影像结构均一 表 4 评估区建筑物遥感解译结果
Table 4. The results of remote sensing interpretation of buildings in the evaluation area
结构类型 评估区 建筑物数量/间 倒塌 局部倒塌 未倒塌 土木结构 评估区1 22 24 23 评估区2 18 22 15 评估区3 10 35 21 评估区4 4 27 15 评估区5 17 35 24 评估区6 16 36 25 砖木结构 评估区1 0 5 54 评估区2 1 6 50 评估区3 0 6 38 评估区4 0 8 53 评估区5 0 5 50 评估区6 0 5 31 砖混结构 评估区1 0 0 37 评估区2 0 1 42 评估区3 0 0 35 评估区4 0 0 37 评估区5 0 0 41 评估区6 0 0 36 -
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