Seismic Response Analysis of Structures in a Nuclear Power Plant-Equipment Interaction
摘要: 为研究核电站结构-设备相互作用的地震反应,针对某高温气冷堆核电站反应堆进行结构与设备相互作用的地震反应分析研究,通过对考虑与不考虑结构-设备相互作用的模型进行对比,开展模态分析、设计基准地震动下和超设计基准地震动下的动力特性分析以及楼层反应谱分析,结果表明:考虑剪力墙主体结构与设备的相互作用后,结构的地震反应减小,层间剪力最大减小60%,水平向楼层反应谱峰值减小为不考虑相互作用时的40%,提高了结构与设备的安全性,并为设备抗震设计提供依据。但竖向楼层反应谱在结构竖向周期附近有放大作用,建议在设备抗震设计时予以注意。Abstract: To study the seismic response of structure-equipment interaction in nuclear power plants, we studied the seismic response of the reactor structure and equipment interaction on a HTGR nuclear power plant. By comparing the results between the interaction model and non-interaction one, we analyzed dynamic characteristics of structure and the floor response spectrum under design ground motion, dynamic characteristics of structure under super design ground motion. The results show that with consideration of the interaction of shear wall, the structure reduces the seismic response and the floor shear force has been reduced 60%, and the floor response spectrum peak reduced to 40%. However, the vertical floor response spectrum in the vertical period of the structure has effect of amplification. It is suggested that designer should pay great attention to the seismic design of the equipment, which could improve safety of the structure and equipment, and provide a base for seismic design of the equipment.
Key words:
- Nuclear power plant /
- Structure-equipment interaction /
- Dynamic analysis
表 1 模态分析结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of the results from different models
振型 周期/s M1模型 M2模型 误差/% 1 T1 0.2176(Y向平动) 0.2226(Y向平动) 2.2 2 T2 0.1891(X向平动) 0.1734(X向平动) 8.3 3 T3 0.1424(扭转) 0.1524(Y向平动) 6.6 4 T4 0.1105(X向平动) 0.1240(X向平动) 10.9 5 T5 0.0917(Y向平动) 0.1153(扭转) 20.5 6 T6 0.0846(扭转) 0.1113(X向平动) 23.9 7 T7 0.0816(Y向平动) 0.0908(Y向平动) 10.1 8 T8 0.0772(X向平动) 0.0873(X向平动) 11.6 9 T9 0.0754(扭转) 0.0855(X向平动) 11.8 10 T10 0.0751(X向平动) 0.0827(Y向平动) 9.2 表 2 层间剪力对比
Table 2. Comparison of floor shear forces
楼层高/m X向 Y向 M1模型层间剪力/kN M2模型层间剪力/kN 降低/% M1模型层间剪力/kN M2模型层间剪力/kN 降低/% -15.5—-11 108371 103889 4.13 97697 93905 3.88 -11—-5 101872 98825 2.99 91803 89194 2.84 -5—0 100430 96791 3.62 91333 86985 4.76 0—7.5 90898 82872 8.82 86448 79689 7.81 7.5—14.5 88698 84240 5.02 83591 78753 5.78 14.5—20.5 69164 62207 10.06 65887 58758 10.82 20.5—28.1 62754 50309 19.83 58969 46833 20.58 28.1—44.1 30842 24575 20.32 27739 21902 21.04 注:降低%=(M1模型层间剪力―M2模型层间剪力)/M1模型层间剪力×100% 表 3 层间剪力对比
Table 3. Comparison of floor shear forces
楼层高/m X向 Y向 M1模型层间剪力/kN M2模型层间剪力/kN 降低/% M1模型层间剪力/kN M2模型层间剪力/kN 降低/% -15.5—-11 446975 429044 4.01 422487 410668 2.79 -11—-5 419905 407717 2.90 424492 414633 2.32 -5—0 417262 408327 2.14 416160 398773 4.17 0—7.5 393813 361706 8.15 359932 399636 4.81 7.5—14.5 379991 363616 4.30 304171 285492 6.14 14.5—20.5 298481 251278 15.81 247193 203563 17.65 20.5—28.1 267842 117530 56.11 242199 101844 57.95 28.1—44.1 126376 50203 60.27 118140 45944 61.11 注:降低%=(M1模型层间剪力-M2模型层间剪力)/M1模型层间剪力×100% 表 4 设备顶部加速度(单位:m/s2)
Table 4. Acceleration of the top of the equipment
方向 压力容器顶部 蒸汽发生器顶部 人工波 天然波1 天然波2 人工波 天然波1 天然波2 X向 3.943 2.622 3.513 3.990 3.852 3.913 Y向 3.772 2.376 3.940 3.915 2.535 3.770 表 5 设备的应力(单位:kN/m2)
Table 5. Stress of the equipment
方向 压力容器 蒸汽发生器 人工波 天然波1 天然波2 人工波 天然波1 天然波2 X向 16783 12476 11208 14535 12564 11574 Y向 13615 10209 9145 13153 12049 11015 表 6 结构与设备连接处的内力(单位:kN)
Table 6. Internal force of structure and equipment of connection point
仪器 方向 M1模型 M2模型 增加平均值/% 人工波 天然波1 天然波2 人工波 天然波1 天然波2 压力容器 X向 8211 6784 6255 23061 13271 22117 61.66 Y向 8417 6819 6584 19834 11044 18611 53.48 蒸汽发生器 X向 5877 5143 4480 28822 18669 36409 79.91 Y向 5817 4897 4556 27380 18195 37591 79.90 -
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