Influence of Selection of Constitutive Models of Soil on the Site Dynamic Analysis
摘要: 合理选择本构模型是土动力学问题数值模拟中的一项重要工作。利用PLAXIS 2D软件的土工实验模拟功能分别对4种常用的岩土本构模型——线弹性模型、摩尔库伦模型、土体硬化模型和小应变土体硬化模型在往复荷载下的理论滞回曲线进行了对比分析,并在此基础上研究了选择不同本构模型对自由场地震反应分析结果的影响以及不同本构模型中各参数的变化对场地动力计算结果的敏感性分析。研究结果为土动力学问题数值模拟中如何选择本构模型和合理判断数值分析结果提供了参考依据。Abstract: Selection of the material constitutive model plays a key role in the numerical simulation of the dynamic behaviors of the soil. Based on the function of simulation of soil lab test of the PLAXIS 2D, comparison of the hysteretic behavior among different constitutive model (such as the linear elastic model, MC model, HS model and HSS model) under cyclic loading has been presented in this paper. Then, we studied the influence of the different constitutive model on the earthquake response of the free field and parameter sensitivity analysis for different constitutive model. The main conclusion of this study gives a good reference for how to select the material constitutive model and explains the numerical computing results in the soil dynamic analysis.
表 1 本构模型的参数
Table 1. The parameter of constitutive model
本构模型 LE模型 MC模型 HS模型 HSS模型 E′/kN·m-2 50×103 50×103 υ′ 0.3 0.3 $ {c'_{{\rm{ref}}}} $/kN·m-2 10 10 10 φ′/° 20 20 20 $ E_{50}^{{\rm{ref}}} $/kN·m-2 67.31×103 67.31×103 $ E_{{\rm{oed}}}^{{\rm{ref}}} $/kN·m-2 67.31×103 67.31×103 $ E_{{\rm{ur}}}^{{\rm{ref}}} $/kN·m-2 201.93×103 201.93×103 $ {\gamma _{0.7}} $ 1.0×10-4 $ G_0^{{\rm{ref}}} $/kN·m-2 1.25×105 注:表中E′、υ′、$ {c'_{{\rm{ref}}}} $、$ \varphi ' $分别为有效的弹性模量、泊松比、黏聚力和摩擦角,$ G_0^{{\rm{ref}}} $为小应变参考剪切模量,$ {\gamma _{0.7}}$为0.7倍初始刚度时的剪切应变。其余参数同文中说明。 表 2 不同本构模型主要参数的敏感性分数
Table 2. Parameter sensitivity scores for different constitutive models
本构模型 $ E' $ $ \upsilon ' $ $ {c'_{{\rm{ref}}}} $ $ \varphi ' $ $ E_{50}^{{\rm{ref}}} $ $ E_{{\rm{oed}}}^{{\rm{ref}}} $ $E_{{\rm{ur}}}^{{\rm{ref}}} $ $ {\gamma _{0.7}} $ $ G_0^{{\rm{ref}}} $ LE模型 88 12 MC模型 80 14 4 2 HS模型 0 3 1 1 95 HSS模型 1 4 2 2 43 7 41 -
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