Stability Analysis of Baiheping Slope
摘要: 边坡监测可为掌握边坡变形特征和规律提供依据,指导在边坡发生严重变形时的应急处理。白鹤坪边坡是三峡库区的典型边坡,依据边坡的变形特征定性地认为该边坡为潜在的推移式滑坡。1998年调查发现白鹤边坡存在一定的滑移,为了对其实施监测预报、预警,减轻因其滑动而引起的地质灾害,在该边坡上建立了由10个GPS观测点组成的边坡位移观测系统,以监测边坡的变形。本文以2014年5月至2016年4月近两年的白鹤坪边坡变形观测系统所获得的位移数据为基础,对边坡的位移变形进行了统计,并结合数值模拟分析了边坡的水平向相对位移。分析表明,在边坡由缓变陡处变形显著增加,边坡现处于基本稳定状态,其变形主要受降雨影响,每年汛期时(5-10月)边坡变形量偏高。其次为库水作用影响,江水对坡脚冲蚀,使边坡前缘局部产生了小规模崩滑现象。Abstract: The slope monitoring is useful in providing the basic information for the slope deformation characteristics and regularity of the slope. It can help us to deal with emergencies under the condition of severe deformation of the slope. Baiheping slope is a typical one in the Three Gorges Reservoir area. The slope is considered to be a potential traction type based on deformation characteristics of the slope. There was a certain slip along Baiheping slope by the survey in 1998. In order to predict and prevent the potential geological disasters caused by sliding, a slope displacement monitoring system composed of 10 GPS observation sites was set up to monitor the deformation of the slope. Based on the displacement data from the Baiheping slope deformation monitoring system from May 2014 to April 2016, we analyzed the horizontal relative displacement of the slope combined with numerical simulation. Our results show that the slope deformation is significantly increased in the part where sharp dip tend to be gently and the slope is in a stable state. The slope deformation is mainly affected by rainfall. The slope has a relatively high slope deformation in annual flood season (May to October). Moreover, due to river erosion on the slope, a small scale landslide appears in the front of the slope under the action of reservoir water.
Key words:
- Displacement monitoring /
- GPS /
- Landslide /
- Deformation characteristics /
- Numerical simulation
表 1 白鹤坪边坡监测点变形比率与降雨比率关系
Table 1. The relationship between deformation ratio and rainfall ratio of Baiheping slope
监测时间 5月—10月累计位移量占年度变形量比率 5月—10月累计降雨量占年度降雨量比率 WS02-04 WS02-01 WS02-02 WS02-06 2014年5月—2015年4月 73.61% 80.86% 78.12% 88.70% 78.95% 2015年5月—2016年4月 94.47% 71.83% 67.54% 87.99% 74.24% 表 2 白鹤坪边坡岩土体力学参数取值表
Table 2. Mechanical parameters of rock and soil mass of Baiheping slope
材料介质 密度/kg·m-3 内聚力/kPa 内摩擦角/° 体积模量/Pa 剪切模量/Pa 抗拉强度/Pa 堆积体 1900 24.33 28 10.67×106 8.0×106 0 潜在滑带 22.52 27 0 基岩 2460 1.6×106 45 5.0×109 3.75×109 4.1×105 -
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