Seismic Zoning in Southern Part of North-South Seismic Belt Based on the Potential Rupture Surface Source Model
摘要: 南北地震带南段大震活动频繁。已有的研究结果表明,大震近场范围场点的地震危险性与地震破裂面产状及其尺度密切相关。因此,在南北地震带南段需要考虑潜在震源三维特征进行地震危险性分析和地震区划研究。本文在充分搜集大震发震构造资料的基础上,在南北地震带南段构建了考虑震源尺度和产状的潜在震源模型,改进了地震危险性概率分析方法,进而对该地区进行地震区划研究。结果表明,考虑潜在震源三维特征的地震危险性分析结果可以有效地反映南北地震带南段发震构造的产状和尺寸特征,提高地震区划结果的合理性。
- 南北地震带南段 /
- 潜在地震破裂面源模型 /
- 地震危险性分析 /
- 地震区划
Abstract: There are many large earthquake actives recorded in the southern part of North-South seismic belt. The seismic hazard near the potential large earthquake source is related to size and attitude of potential ruptures according to the recent studies. So, the 3-D characteristics of potential sources should be considered to analyze the seismic hazard near the large faults that have the possibility to generate great earthquakes. In this study, the plenty of data of strong earthquake and seismo-tectonics are collected and the potential rupture surface source model are constructed to consider the size and attitude of large earthquakes, in order to make the seismic hazard analysis results more reasonable in the southern part of North-South seismic belt. From this study, we conclude that the seismic zoning results show the spatial characteristic, such as attitude and size of seismogenic structures, so it makes the results of the seismic hazard analysis and seismic zoning more reasonable in the southern part of North-South seismic belt. -
表 1 潜在地震破裂面源划分表
Table 1. The regional potential rupture surface sources
编号 潜在地震破裂面源名称 震级上限 走向 倾向 倾角/° 1 曲江断裂 8.0 NW NE/SW 近直立 2 石屏-建水断裂 7.5 NW NE 70 3 红河断裂南东段 7.0 NW NE 65 4 红河断裂北西段 7.5 NNW NEE 65 5 小江断裂南段东支 8.0 NS E 70 6 小江断裂南段西支 8.0 NS E 70 7 小江断裂北段 8.0 NNW NEE 70 8 则木河断裂 8.0 NW NE 70 9 程海断裂 8.0 NNE W 80 10 丽江断裂 7.5 NE SE 65 11 普渡河断裂 6.5 NS E/W 近直立 12 汤郎-易门断裂 6.5 NS E/W 近直立 13 元谋-绿汁江断裂 6.5 NS E/W 近直立 14 南华-楚雄断裂 6.5 NW NE 近直立 15 无量山断裂 6.5 NNW NEE 80 表 2 各地震带地震活动性参数
Table 2. Seismicity parameters of seismic belts
地震带 震级上限Mu 4级以上地震年平均发生率v4 b值 鲜水河-滇东地震带 8 32 0.85 滇西南地震带 8 20 0.77 表 3 基岩加速度峰值衰减关系各项系数表
Table 3. The parameters of peak ground acceleration attenuation relationship
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