Analysis on Seismic Anomalous of Deformation Caused by the Wushi MS 4.5 Earthquake
摘要: 利用乌什台数字化前兆形变观测资料,分析乌什MS 4.5级地震前乌什台水管倾斜仪、洞体应变仪数据变化情况。通过对比分析发现:地震前,洞体应变仪北南分量数据曲线正常,东西分量数据曲线加速拉张,05:14-20:32拉张幅度达到7.40×10-7,7月19日5时至20日16时乌什洞体应变仪东西分量快速拉张了9.20×10-7;7月19日5-19时,水管倾斜仪北南分量数据曲线正常,东西分量数据曲线反向西倾7.13ms,且05:59-06:06、07:36-07:46、18:42-18:56数据掉格,水管倾斜仪异常结束后1小时,在洞体应变仪异常过程中发生了乌什MS 4.5级地震。水管仪东西分量震前反向西倾,洞体应变仪东西分量震前拉张加速,短临异常明显,且2套形变观测震前异常时间同步性较好。
- 乌什MS 4.5地震 /
- 水管仪 /
- 洞体应变仪 /
- 短临异常
Abstract: We used Wushi digital precursory deformation observational data to analyze the water tube-tilt and cave strain changes before the Wushi MS 4.5 earthquake. Through comparative analysis we found that before the Wushi MS 4.5 earthquake, the north-south strain component recorded in the Wushi cave instrument is normal, but the east-west component value changes greatly. The amplitude of stretching is 7.40×10-7 from 05:14 to 20:32. From 05:00 to 19:00 on July 19, the east-west component records from the Wushi water-pipe tilt meter is normal and the east-west component value is reverse to westward inclination 7.13ms. Moreover, the recorded data drop out at 05:59 -06:06, 07:36-07:46, and 18:42-18:56. The water pipe inclinometer abnormal was observed after 1 hour, in the process of the body strain gauge anomaly Wushi MS 4.5 earthquake occurred. The EW component of water tube-tilt from Wushi station west-dipping reverse, cave stuff strain tensile EW component rapid tension before the earthquake, short-impending anomalies before the seismogenic, and the two sets of deformation observation of seismic anomalous have a good agreement to each other.-
Key words:
- Wushi MS 4.5 earthquake /
- Tube-tilt /
- Cave strain /
- Short-impending anomalies
表 1 乌什水管倾斜仪东西分量反向异常特征统计
Table 1. The statistical anomaly of the reverse characteristics of the water tube-tilt EW component from Wushi station
异常特征 地震对应情况 开始时间 结束时间 持续时间 异常幅度/ms 异常形态 发震时间 地震 震中距/km 2009-02-14 2009-02-19 6天 0.52 反向、掉格 2009-02-20 柯坪5.2 98 2009-04-14 2009-04-19 5天 9.66 反向 2009-04-19 阿合奇5.5 76 2011-08-03 2011-08-10 7天 0.69 反向、掉格 2011-08-11 阿图什5.8 220 2012-08-20 2012-12-26 129天 33000 反向 2013-01-29 哈萨克斯坦6.1 160 2013-08-10 2013-08-28 18天 -0.017 反向 2013-12-01 柯坪5.3 102 2013-12-17 2014-01-11 26天 0.028 反向 2014-03-28 2014-04-25 27天 0.036 反向、上弯型 2014-07-09 麦盖提5.1 225 2016-07-19 2019-07-19 14小时 0.084 反向 2016-07-19 乌什4.5 25 表 2 乌什洞体应变仪东西分量快速拉张异常特征统计
Table 2. The statistical anomaly of the reverse characteristics of the rapid tension EW component from Wushi station
异常特征 地震对应情况 开始时间 结束时间 持续时间 异常幅度/10-10 异常形态 发震时间 地震 震中距 2009-02-11 2009-02-19 8天 14.5 加速拉张 2009-02-20 柯坪5.2 98 2009-04-14 2009-04-19 5天 9.66 加速拉张 2009-04-19 阿合奇5.5 76 2011-08-03 2011-08-10 7天 45.5 加速拉张 2011-08-11 阿图什5.8 220 2012-08-20 2012-12-26 129天 33000 加速拉张 2013-01-29 哈萨克斯坦6.1 160 2013-11-19 2013-12-01 12天 -0.017 加速拉张 2013-12-01 柯坪5.3 102 2014-04-06 2014-05-16 41天 0.028 加速拉张 2014-07-09 麦盖提5.1 225 2016-07-19 2019-07-19 15小时 0.084 加速拉张 2016-07-19 乌什4.5 25 -
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