Design and Realization of Display System of Urban Earthquake Emergency Shelters
摘要: 针对城市应急避难场所信息化建设过程中存在的问题,以天津市地震应急避难场所的实际情况为数据基础,开发了基于Google地图API技术的城市地震应急避难场所展示系统。该系统实现了应急避难场所信息查询、地图量测、避难场所最优路径和应急避险科普宣传等公共服务功能。系统的设计与实现不仅有利于城市居民及时方便准确地获取居住地周围地震应急避难场所空间分布信息和应急避险等知识,同时在城市突发灾害后的抢险救灾、疏散及安置居民等方面起到重要作用。
- 应急避难场所 /
- JavaScript /
- JQuery /
- 数据库
Abstract: Aiming at the problems in the course of information construction of urban emergency shelters, we take the Tianjin earthquake emergency shelters as the data base to develop a Google Maps API technology-based display system of urban earthquake emergency shelters. The system implements emergency shelter information acquiring, map measurements, the best path to shelters, and emergency public service functions such as popular science propaganda. The system design and implementation will not only benefit citizens timely access to accurate earthquake emergency shelters around the residence of spatial distribution of information and knowledge of emergency, but also play the important role in emergency disaster relief, evacuation and resettlement of residents in order to reduce disaster losses caused by large earthquakes.-
Key words:
- Earthquake emergency shelter /
- JavaScript /
- JQuery /
- Database
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