Research on Perfoliate Crack and It's Stability of the Xifengjiang Reservoir Dam
摘要: 1962年3月19日新丰江水库大坝附近发生MS 6.1级强烈地震后,13-17#坝段在108.5m高程处出现了长达82m的贯穿裂缝,导致水库渗漏,其后虽进行了加固处理,但经过50多年的运营,贯穿裂缝的现状如何,备受各级政府及专家学者的关注。本文利用近些年大坝上的多次小震观测记录,通过对有无贯穿裂缝坝段的地震加速度时程傅氏谱及上下坝体传递函数的对比分析,对14#坝段的整体性和稳定性进行了系统研究。结果表明,到目前为止,大坝贯穿裂缝没有明显恶化,但整体性依然较差,仍然是大坝稳定性的最大隐患。Abstract: On March 19, 1962, a strong earthquake of magnitude 6.1 occurred near the Xinfengjiang reservoir dam. It generated a 82m length perfoliate crack at the height of 108m at the dam sections from No. 13 to No 17. The perfoliate crack caused leakage of reservoir water. Although the dam has been reinforced, how the perfoliate crack develops after more than 50 years becomes the concerned focus at all levels of governments, experts and scholars. In this paper, the integrality and stability of the No. 14 dam body has been evaluated through comparative analysis by Fourier spectrum of seismic acceleration on the dam within and outside the perfoliate crack region and transfer function of the top and bottom dam section. By far, the perfoliate crack of the dam has no obvious deterioration yet, but the dam integrality is still not so good and will be the main potential weakness of the dam.
Key words:
- The Xinfengjiang reservoir dam /
- Perfoliate crack /
- Stability
表 1 新丰江水库附近8次有记录的地震
Table 1. Eight recorded earthquakes near Xinfengjiang reservoir
序号 发震时间 纬度/°N 经度/°E 震级/MS 深度/km 到大坝的距离/km 1 2014-05-24 12:33:04 23.45 114.38 3.30 13 41.45 2 2014-06-20 05:30:45 23.43 114.42 3.00 8 40.58 3 2014-07-11 02:25:48 23.43 114.43 3.00 7 39.98 4 2015-03-05 15:54:50 23.45 114.37 2.80 12 42.14 5 2014-08-10 14:38:48 23.43 114.43 2.90 8 39.97 6 2015-04-29 10:35:25 23.43 114.36 2.90 7 44.46 7 2014-04-25 16:07:10 23.54 114.29 4.40 10 42.46 8 2014-07-11 13:43:24 23.54 114.28 4.50 10 43.35 -
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