The Seismic Response Effect Analysis of Scaled Models of CAP1400 Nuclear Island Structure
摘要: 针对核电厂CAP1400核岛结构地震反应问题,构建了核岛屏蔽厂房和辅助厂房整体结构的3个分析模型:原型和1/16、1/40缩尺模型,并在AP000谱和RG1.60谱地震动输入下进行了有限元模拟对比分析,探讨了振动台试验模型缩尺处理的合理性和精确性。研究表明,基于缩尺模型得到的结构自振频率相对于原型结构模型有所降低,降低幅度在8.5%以内;结构模型的缩尺对结构反应峰值加速度和高频(大于3Hz)加速度反应谱的影响较为显著,但对较低频(小于3Hz)的加速度反应谱影响较小;模型缩尺对结构不同方向反应的影响中,刚度越大的方向其影响越大。进一步将结构模型数值模拟结果与1/16缩尺模型的振动台试验结果进行了比较分析,试验给出的结构自振频率远低于模型数值模拟结果,但原型和1/16缩尺模型数值模拟得到的结构反应均与试验结果较为接近。基于模型数值模拟和振动台试验研究,认为对于缩尺比1/16或更大的模型可以忽略模型的缩尺效应。Abstract: Aiming at the seismic response problem of CAP1400 nuclear island structure of the nuclear power plant 3 analytical models, prototype and 1/16, 1/40 scale models, were constructed for the whole structure of the shielding and auxiliary factory, and comparative analysis of the seismic responses of the 3 models was done by finite element method under the ground motions matching AP000 spectrum and the RG1.60 spectrum, the rationality and accuracy were discussed on the scaled model for the shaking table testing. The research shown that natural frequencies of structure response from scaled models are smaller than that produced in the prototype structure model, the reduction was within 8.5%; the effect of scaled models is obviously on the peak acceleration and high frequency (more than 3Hz) spectral accelerations of structure response, but less on the low frequency (less than 3Hz) spectral accelerations; the effect of scaled model on the structure response is larger in direction of larger stiffness. In addition, the contrastive analysis between numerical simulation of different scale models and a shaking table testing of 1/16 scale model was carried out, which indicates that the natural frequencies from the shaking table testing is far lower than those from numerical simulation, but the simulated structure responses of the prototype and 1/16 scale models and the test results of 1/16 scale model were relatively close. The study reveals that scale effect of analysis and testing models can be ignored for scaled models of 1/16 or greater.
Key words:
- Nuclear power plant /
- Scaled model /
- Numerical analysis /
- Shaking table test /
- Spectral acceleration
表 1 核岛结构缩尺模型设计相似关系
Table 1. Similitude relation of scaled models of nuclear power plant structure
物理量 量纲 相似系数(1/16模型) 相似系数(1/40模型) 尺寸L [L] 1/16 1/40 线位移δ [L] 1/16 1/40 角位移β 1 1 弹性模量E [FL-2] 0.340 0.233 密度ρ [FL-4T2] 1 1 泊松比μ 1 1 应变ε 1 1 应力σ [FL-2] 0.340 0.233 等效质量密度ρε [FL-4T2] 1.74 1.74 集中荷载F [F] 1.328×10-3 1.458×10-4 弯矩M [FL] 8.300×10-5 3.645×10-6 时间t [T] 1.414×10-1 6.827×10-2 自振频率ω [T-1] 7.072 14.647 阻尼比ξ 1 1 加速度幅值ɑ [LT-2] 3.126 5.363 加速度频率υ [T-1] 7.072 14.647 结构刚度k [FL-1] 2.125×10-2 5.832×10-3 结构自重m [FL-1T2] 4.248×10-4 2.719×10-5 表 2 不同缩尺比模型计算得到的结构反应前4阶自振频率
Table 2. The first 4 natural frequencies of structure response from different scaled structure models
振型序号 1 2 3 4 1/1模型自振频率/Hz 3.99 4.35 5.82 6.14 1/16模型自振频率 计算值/Hz 26.34 28.70 38.38 40.60 反推值/Hz 3.72 4.05 5.42 5.74 与1/1模型的相对误差/% -6.77 -6.90 -6.70 -6.51 1/40模型自振频率 计算值/Hz 53.49 58.88 79.18 83.41 反推值/Hz 3.65 4.02 5.41 5.69 与1/1模型的相对误差/% -8.52 -7.59 -7.04 -7.33 表 3 控制性节点处结构反应的峰值加速度(单位:g)
Table 3. Peak accelerations of structural response at the control points
节点 输入地震动:AP1000时程 输入地震动:RG1.60时程 缩尺比 1/1 1/16 1/40 缩尺比 1/1 1/16 1/40 1 X向 0.489 0.474(-3.1) 0.351(-28.2) X向 0.539 0.526(-2.4) 0.359(-33.3) Y向 0.482 0.481(-2.1) 0.408(-15.3) Y向 0.500 0.470(-6.0) 0.388(-22.4) Z向 0.386 0.292(-24.4) 0.220(-43.0) Z向 0.376 0.306(-18.6) 0.258(-31.4) 2 X向 0.546 0.54(-1.1) 0.478(-12.5) X向 0.574 0.652(13.6) 0.449(-21.8) Y向 0.561 0.596(6.2) 0.554(-1.2) Y向 0.522 0.562(7.7) 0.540(34.5) Z向 0.378 0.298(-21.2) 0.248(-34.4) Z向 0.348 0.301(-13.5) 0.258(-25.8) 3 X向 0.756 0.569(-24.7) 0.652(-13.8) X向 0.770 0.817(6.1) 0.704(-8.6) Y向 0.817 0.708(-13.3) 0.717(-12.2) Y向 0.789 0.704(-10.8) 0.737(-6.6) Z向 0.396 0.328(-17.2) 0.267(-32.6) Z向 0.410 0.354(-13.7) 0.264(-35.6) 4 X向 0.511 0.380(-25.6) 0.378(-26.0) X向 0.420 0.504(20.0) 0.386(-8.1) Y向 0.520 0.486(-6.5) 0.444(-14.6) Y向 0.448 0.464(35.7) 0.435(-2.9) Z向 0.414 0.292(-29.5) 0.223(-46.1) Z向 0.348 0.283(-18.7) 0.257(-26.1) 5 X向 0.554 0.520(-6.1) 0.565(19.9) X向 0.659 0.642(-2.6) 0.595(-9.7) Y向 0.920 0.830(-9.8) 0.789(-14.2) Y向 0.897 0.850(-5.2) 0.811(-9.6) Z向 0.381 0.328(-13.9) 0.242(-36.5) Z向 0.402 0.346(-13.9) 0.289(-28.1) -
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